27 - Spring

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Spring sprung early in Virginia. In Maine, they had a snowstorm, and Rory was comfortable in a sweatshirt. She sat in the campus center reading after arriving on campus early. More accurately, she left the house early because Lana wanted to talk about gossip. She knew Cole and Anna spent a weekend in Boston, but she missed Sam and was counting the days until she went home for break.

Deep into her assigned reading, she looked up when a person slipped into the chair across from her. Surprised and speechless, it was the guy from the plane, Finn's father.

"Finn still mentions you. This is the first time I've seen you alone."

Letting out the breath she held, she took in his smiling face. "I won't be in twenty minutes."

He looked at his wrist. "I have a class in fifteen."


He nodded. "Macroeconomics. What are you studying?"


He nodded. "How do you find time with your family?"

Rory frowned. "My family's in Maine."

"I'm confused I saw your daughter and..."

Rory laughed and shook her head as she remembered their trip to the home improvement store. "My cousins and uncle." Rory scrunched up her nose. "He's in his forties."

"Too old for you."

She nodded. "How's Finn?"

"He's okay. I wasn't lying, he talks about you."

"Kids like me. Probably because my brother and sister are kids so I know how to talk to them. I want to help kids."

"Noble profession. I should go. It's never good for the professor to be late. See ya around."

Rory watched him walk away.

Grace appeared. "Who was that?"

Rory shrugged. "Professor, but I met his son when I went home for Christmas."

"Married, then?"


Grace looked in the direction he disappeared. "He looks about Wade's age. He's thirty-one."

Rory studied Grace's poised presence. She could be a princess. Both knew the other's secrets, but they hadn't spoken privately.

Grace mentioned him, so Rory seized the opportunity. "Are you ready to get married?"

Grace smiled. "I should have told you Chantal is opinionated."

Rory looked around. "Where is she?"

Grace pointed. "In line. Why is everyone getting coffee?"

Rory thought of Finn's father. She couldn't remember his name, but planned to look him up on the university's staff profiles. Maddie once told her curiosity was a sign of intelligence.

"That's nothing compared to the coffee line at home on a summer morning." How many times had Sam stood in line for her even though he didn't drink coffee?

"You're thinking of him."

Rory nodded, ignoring the heat in her cheeks.

"Okay, bitches let's get ready to ace this test."

Having friends to study with had been the best part of school. The spring weather and friends put a bounce in her step as she followed them to their favorite tree outside. They drilled each other on theories and definitions. Rory thought she knew the material before, but she felt confident they'd all get As.

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