39 - Sam

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Rory felt melancholy. She jumped when her phone vibrated just as she was finishing a chat with Jack. She missed The Point and her family. Jack wanted her to fly home for Labor Day weekend but she wanted to check Sam's schedule before she decided.

Dan had texted her inviting her to have lunch with Finn after camp. Her first thought was to think up an excuse and chose not to respond

"Lunch! Rory!" She had forgotten her invite. Dan smiled at her. "You never responded."

"I passed out early." True, but not why she hadn't responded.

He smirked. "Lunch?"

She was on the cusp of changing her mind, when her phone buzzed. She looked at it.

🗨S: Got a few minutes this afternoon. Want to talk dirty?

"Is everything okay?" She looked up, forgetting Dan was there.

"Yeah. Um, I need to pass. Besides needing a shower, I need to follow up on this." She held up her phone.

"Rory, pleeease!" Finn pulled on her tee shirt. It was hard to say no to Finn. She smiled at him. "I promised I'd take you to the movies. How about tomorrow afternoon?"

She looked at Finn but was asking Dan. "Would you? I could use the time to work."

"If I can't take my brother and sister, I want to take my friend Finn." Dan scrutinized her face as he frowned. "I'll check the times and text you."

He frowned again. "Come on, Finny. Let's go home for some lunch. You'll see Rory tomorrow."

Rory watched them walk away. She wanted to go home and talk dirty to Sam while she sat in the hot tub.

Rory navigated the unfamiliar streets using her phone. She had met Finn at the movie theater but offered to drive him home. She had never been to his house before. Finn talked nonstop about the movie from the backseat.

While she was watching cartoon characters run around on the screen, Sam was on a flight to another city. She lost track. She pulled up in front of a townhouse condo. Finn had the door open as Rory sat wondering when Sam would land.

She jumped at the sound of tapping. Dan was at her door. She lowered her window.

"You look really sad." She shook off her thoughts. "Just."

"Home, again."

She nodded and lied. "The water is warm this time of year."

He tilted his head. "Warm?"

One corner of her mouth turned up. "Warm for us."

"Come in."

She stared at the building her friends called home. "Finn will want to tell you about the movie."

He put his hand on her hand which she had rested on the bottom of the open window as she turned herself in the seat. She immediately pulled her hand away, making Dan frown.

"Stay, for a little while. Finn will like it."

"Where is he?"

She didn't see him on the lawn. "He ran in to pick up his room."

Guilt speared her heart. She couldn't disappoint the boy. "Okay. To see his room."

She put up her window, and Dan opened her door for her. Thankfully, he stepped back so she could climb out. He motioned for her to walk ahead, and when they reached the door, he reached around her to open it. His arm brushing her shoulder intrusively. Sam was jealous, but she only wanted him.

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