49 - Kiss him

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Rory strolled across campus with her friends. The sun was hiding behind some dark clouds and there was a damp chill in the air. They were expecting their first snow at home, but not in Virginia. Thanksgiving was coming and Rory planned to go home. Sam would be done with his assignment. She didn't care about turkey or pies, but she wanted to corner Sam and make him talk to her.

Chantal bumped her shoulder. "There's your boyfriend."

Dan was working at a table with his friend. Rory wasn't sure how he became her boyfriend. They had one date, and since then she had continued to visit Finn. Maybe it was because she stayed after Finn was in bed. Not always, but on Friday nights when she couldn't use work as an excuse. According to Dan's social page, they were in a relationship, but he hadn't kissed her yet. Rory had the feeling he would soon.

He acknowledged after the date the need to take things slow because she wasn't ready. She would never be ready, but decided a kiss before Thanksgiving would prove she didn't like him. All she would have to do is convince Sam.

Before Dan left, he stopped by their table. His hand on her shoulder caused pink to creep into her cheeks. She felt embarrassed to be linked to him in public.

He leaned over and whispered. "Hey you." She looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back ten times bigger than her smile. "I'll see you later, beautiful."

He smelled good, and Rory worried she might like his kiss. She shook her head. "Not tonight I'm babysitting."

He frowned. "Friday, then. It's a date."

Grace had a huge smile. "He's so sweet."

Chantal shook her head. "Are you telling the truth? Have you really not done the horizontal dance with that man?"

"No!" She had kept the details or lack of details to herself. Explaining that she hadn't kissed him would be difficult. Dan was sweet and patient and she wanted to protect his image. Chantal would laugh and tease if she knew.

Through text Rory convinced Dan she would bring pizza. Her treat. She was always aware of his limited finances, but she spent very little of her summer earnings. Finn greeted her excitedly about the flat box in her hand.

Dan smiled. "How were your groups?"

She shrugged. "Fine. I'm learning a ton. This time next year. I'll have my own patients."

"Won't it be hard to get started?"

"Maybe, but I have a job waiting for me. Will I have a full client list on day one? Probably not. We haven't worked the details out, but Deb has to turn people away, right now."


Rory nodded. "She was my counselor and role model."

He smiled. "And you want to be just like her?"

"Something like that."

Dan frowned. "Or..."

"Rorryyy! Come on!" Finn pulled on her hand.

Dan said, "Let's eat while the pizza's hot."

Rory was happy not to play. After dinner, Dan suggested a movie. Finn cuddled into Rory on the sofa. On her other side, Dan sat with his arm around her. An observer would see a family. What did Dan see? Even with her talk of Deb, he still made remarks about her staying in Virginia. Still it felt cozy. Without Dan and Finn, she would have been lonely. Lana and the kids tried, but they made her think about home and her family. Dan might think she was staying, but she was counting the days.

Finn went to bed much easier, but always asked Rory when he would see her again. Dan preempted her response. "Soon, Finny. Now go to sleep."

Once downstairs she picked up their drink glasses and Finn's cup, and brought them to the kitchen.

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