Camping Trip

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Chapter 3

Camping Trip

It was a rough couple of days for Molly. Ever since her first day of school, Molly couldn't stop thinking about Libby. Everyday, Molly couldn't help but admire how cute Libby was from her cute brown eyes to her beautiful long hair.

The fact that she had to spend time with Libby on her upcoming camping trip today didn't make things any better! Deciding not to worry about it too much, Molly gathered her supplies and got ready for her camping trip.

"Alright! Looks like I have everything I need for my camping trip with Libby and the others!" Molly exclaimed. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me, Scratch?"

"Nope! I'm comfortable right here!" Scratch laid down, eating snacks.

"Come on, Scratch! You know you can't stay in the house forever! Don't you have any friends your own age that you can hang out with?" Molly asked.

"Hmm! Not that I can think of! Other than you, I don't have any best friends!"

Right as Scratch said that, a green ghost appeared right next to Scratch before hugging him tightly.

"Scratch! Oh, my best friend of friends!"

"Huh? Who are you?" Molly asked, surprised by the presence of this new ghost.

After letting go of Scratch, the ghost floated towards Molly before shaking her hand. "Hi! I'm Geoff! G-E-O-F-F! Not to get confused with Jeff! J-E-F-F!"

"It's nice to meet you, Geoff! I'm Molly!" Molly introduced. "Scratch, I've known you for nearly 10 years! Why didn't you tell me you had a best friend?"

With an annoyed sigh, Scratch replied, "I wouldn't exactly consider this guy to be my best friend! More like a work acquaintance!"

"Oh, don't pretend we are not friends, Scratch!" Geoff said before noticing Molly's camping gear. "Hey, are you going camping? That sounds like.a lot of fun!"

"It is! What to come with us, Geoff?" Molly offered.

In response Geoff excitedly flew next to Scratch. "Of course! Scratch and I would love to go!"

"What? I didn't agree to-" Scratch couldn't even argue before Geoff grabbed his hand and dragged him out the house as he followed Molly.

"Come on, Scratch! It's going to be fun! We're going to roast marshmallows, learn about nature, and tell scary stories!"

This caught Scratch's attention. "Ooh! What kind of scary are we talking about here?"

"Oh, so scary! We've got bugs, fire, wolves, bears, and pit toilets." Molly shuttered at that last one.

Seeing this as an opportunity to keep his scare numbers up, Scratch changed his mind and decided to come along with Molly on this camping trip.

Before long, Molly waited outside the bus, where she met up with Libby, along with two other girls named, Kat and Sheela. While they were waiting for the camp councilor to bring them to camp, the girls decided to catch up.

"So, is everyone excited for the camping trip today?" Molly asked her friends.

"Well, I normally don't care much for camping, but I'm glad to at least be spending time with you and the others!" Libby replied. "I have been practicing other camp activities like crafting though."

It was at that moment when the bus started. The girls turned to see that their camp councilor was ready to leave.

"Looks like our camp councilor is waiting for us." Sheela noticed.

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