The Softball Game

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Chapter 4

The Softball Game

After her encounter with Howlin' Harriet, Molly spent the next couple of days trying to relax after that night. It wasn't long before she forgot about her terrifying experience with Howlin' Harriet as she decided to come to a softball game to cheer her friends on. Libby, along with the rest of her friends were part of a softball team known as The Lemmings. Despite how poorly the Lemmings were doing, it didn't stop Molly from having faith in them.

"Whoo! Let's go, Lemmings!" Molly cheered.

Despite Molly's enthusiasm, it still wasn't enough to motivate the Lemmings. Most of the girls ended up crashing into each other from trying to catch the ball, and Andrea wasn't even paying attention since she was focused on her phone instead. With an annoyed groan, Molly lowered her head in defeat before Scratch showed up, writing down one of his scare reports.

"And I terrified one William Palmer! Scare report done, and off to the Ghost Council it goes!" Scratch threw the report through a portal to the ghost world before he brought his attention to Molly. "So, what's going on here?'

In response, Molly pointed at the scoreboard, which revealed that the Lemmings haven't earned a single point.

"19 to nothing? Ugh! Is there, like any other team to root for?" Scratch asked.

"Hey, this is just an off day for the Lemmings! I'm sure that they would get better soon!" Molly assured.

As Molly said that, she noticed a softball flying in the air before it headed straight for Libby.

"That ball's going right to Libby! You got it, girl!" Molly cheered.

The sound of Molly's cheers distracted Libby as she brought her attention to her best friend. She started to blush from seeing how much Molly has been encouraging her. Libby was so distracted, she forgot about the ball, which fell on the head, knocking her to the ground.

"Libby!" Molly immediately rushed down the stands before kneeling next to Libby to make sure she was okay. "Are you alright?" Molly helped Libby up.

"I'm fine, even though my confidence is at an all-time low." Libby sighed as she got back up. "I appreciate all of your cheering and encouragement, but let's face it, I'm just terrible."

"Hey, don't you ever say that about yourself! You're just having an off day! That's all! Why don't I join the Lemmings? That way, you would feel more comfortable!" Molly offered.

Hearing this surprised Libby. In all the years she had known Molly, she didn't remember Molly ever playing softball before.

"But, Molly! Have you even played softball before?" Libby asked.

"Have I played it? No. Have I wanted to play it? Also, no! But am I going to play it? Heck to the yes!" Molly exclaimed.

It was at this point when Libby knew that she couldn't stop Molly as her mind has already been made up. Truthfully, Libby actually liked the idea of being with Molly for the rest of the softball games.

"Well, I guess I can't stop you! I'm looking forward to us being on the same team! I'll see you later!" Libby waved goodbye to Molly before she left.

This left Molly staring at Libby with a loving smile. She was so distracted she didn't noticed a couple of girls approaching.

"Well, Well, Well! You and Libby seem to have gotten really close lately!"

Surprised by this, Molly turned to see Kat and Sheela staring at her with a couple of smug grins.

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