Molly and Libby's Sleepover

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Chapter 7

Molly and Libby's Sleepover

A couple of weeks had passed since Libby's Bat Mitzvah. Thinking back to that night, Molly was surprised by how quickly Libby became a woman. It felt like only yesterday when she first met Libby back in the first grade. She couldn't help but feel happy for Libby with how much she is growing up.

It wasn't long before Scratch entered Molly's room as he found her on her bed, texting Libby.

"Let me guess, you are texting Libby again?" Scratch guessed.

Molly looked up from her phone and nodded. "Yes, Scratch! A lot has been going on with Libby since her Bat Mitzvah. She even told me that she got her first period recently, and-"

"Okay! I don't want to hear the rest of it!" Scratch interrupted, not wanting to have this awkward conversation.

"Anyway, I'm just so happy for Libby with how much she is growing up! There is no doubt she would grow up to be a beautiful woman!" Molly whispered that last part to herself.

With a sigh, Molly thought back to the night of Libby's Bat Mitzvah. Now that she can no longer deny her crush on Libby, Molly constantly wondered if there was a way for her to actually confess her love for her best friend.

Suddenly, Molly's eyes widened as she just thought of an idea. Picking up her phone once more, Molly decided to ask Libby if she would like to have a sleepover with her.

She texted for a couple of moments before she sent a message that read, 'Hey, Libby! I just thought of a wonderful idea! How would you feel about us having a sleepover at my house? Just you and me?'

After sending the message, Molly waited for Libby's reply. Three dots appeared on Molly's phone, indicating that Libby was typing. Before long, Molly got a message from Libby that read, 'A sleepover? I don't know, Molly. Do you remember what happened at Andrea's sleepover in the third grade?'

It was hard for Molly to forget that humiliating night for Libby when she wet the bed. Libby had never been to a sleepover since then. Despite that, Molly knew that she was going to give Libby the best sleepover ever. She texted again and sent a message that read, 'But that was a long time ago! I promise you will have fun at our sleepover! Maybe consider it?'

Molly waited for a couple of moments before Libby replied, 'You know what? Why not? How does this weekend sound?'

With a smile, Molly replied, 'This weekend sounds perfect! I'll go check in with my parents to see if it is alright with them!'

At that moment, Molly rushed downstairs to ask her parents if it was okay for her to have a sleepover with Libby this weekend. They both agreed, much to Molly's delight.

For the next couple of days, Molly excitedly waited for her sleepover with Libby. Deep down, Molly hoped that it would be the night she would finally confess her love for Libby. Just the thought of it made Molly feel nervous, but she knew that she couldn't back down now.

Once the night of the sleepover finally arrived, Molly got changed into her pajamas. She looked out of the window before she noticed Libby's mom driving up to the house. Libby got out of the car before hugging her mom goodbye as she made her way towards the house. As Libby got closer, Molly began to feel more nervous about the idea of confessing her love for Libby. She was so distracted, she didn't notice Scratch floating behind her.

"Are you going to get the door? Libby is ringing the doorbell?" Scratch pointed out.

"Oh, right! I'd better let Libby in!" Molly said before she rushed downstairs.

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