I Wanna Dance With Some-Libby

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Chapter 14

I Wanna Dance With Some-Libby

Today is a special day for Brighton Middle School! Everyone was getting ready for the school dance. Molly was in the school gym, setting up the decorations while Libby was helping her. Molly was on the ladder, setting up the last of the decorations.

"This year's Brighton Bop is going to be- Whoa!" Molly suddenly tripped on the ladder before she started to fall.

Thankfully, Libby noticed this and rushed to save her best friend.

"I got you, Molly!" Libby held out her hands to grab Molly.

Unfortunately, things didn't exactly go as Libby planned. Molly ended up landing on top of Libby, causing the girls to fall on the floor. Despite that, Libby was still glad she managed to break Molly's fall. Once they recovered from the fall, Molly and Libby helped each other back up.

"Whew! Thanks, Libby! You really saved me!" Molly thanked.

"You're welcome! Just please be more careful next time!" Libby urged.

"Sorry, Libby! I'm just so excited for the dance!" Molly exclaimed. "This is going to be the last time we have a middle school dance, so we should really make the most of it!"

Libby nodded in agreement. "Yes. We should." Suddenly, Libby started to blush as she decided to say something that she's been wanting to say for awhile. "Now, all we need are dates."

This left Molly surprised by what Libby said. "We already have a date! It's today, silly! Or do you mean dates, as in the sweet, dark-brown oval fruit, containing a hard stone native to western Asia and North Africa?"

"Actually, Molly, I was wondering if we can go to the dance together." Libby shyly looked away. This time, it was Molly's turn to be embarrassed. Upon seeing how nervous Molly was, Libby said, "It doesn't have to be a date! We can just go as friends!"

This was a surprise for Molly. She secretly wanted to go to a dance with Libby for awhile, so how could she possibly say no?

"Of course I would love to go with you!" Molly exclaimed.

"Really?" Libby had the biggest grin on her face.

"Yeah! I mean, just as friends, at least!" Molly clarified.

"R-Right! Just as friends! Do you want me to pick you up at your house before the dance?" Libby asked.

Molly nodded. "Sure, it's a date!" Molly placed a hand over her mouth from what she said. "I mean, not a date! Just two platonic friends having fun together! I gotta go!" Molly rushed out of the room, embarrassed from what she said.

A couple of hours had passed when Molly returned home to get ready for the dance. She put on the same purple dress she wore at Libby's Bat Mitzvah. Once Molly was finished getting ready, Scratch floated towards her.

"So, you are ready for the dance now? It is about time you went on a date with Libby." Scratch commented.

"It is not a date!" Molly denied.

"Are you sure about that? This is what you wanted isn't it?" Scratch asked.

"Well, yeah, but-"

It was at that moment when Scratch interrupted Molly. "No buts! You've been wanting to be with Libby for so long, and I know that you don't want to waste this chance!"

Before Scratch could say another word, a portal to the ghost world appeared. That was when Scratch realized that the Ghost Council wanted to speak with him again.

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