Rescue in the Ghost World

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After Jinx took Libby away from her, Molly desperately tried to think of a way to bring Libby's spirit back to her body. Both Molly and Scratch returned home with Libby's body as they explained to the McGees what happened.

As they returned to the attic, Molly and Scratch wrapped up Libby's wound in bandages so that it would hopefully heal when they bring Libby back. They soon surrounded Libby's body with candles in order to find a way to bring Libby's spirit back, but had no luck so far.

"Ugh! Contacting Libby isn't working!" Molly complained. "Also, are these candles fake? I'm pretty sure that we need real candles for this to work!"

"Well, don't look at me! Libby is usually the one who knows about all this nerd stuff!" Scratch replied. "I don't think we will be able to bring back Libby this way."

With a defeated sigh, Molly laid back down on her bed. "There has to be someone who can help us out!" Molly soon paused as she thought of an idea. "Scratch, what's the preferred spelling of Geoff?"

That was when Scratch knew exactly what Molly was thinking.

"Oh no." Scratch didn't like the idea, but knew that he didn't have a choice. "The spelling is J-E-"

Before Scratch could say another word, Geoff appeared from a portal to correct him.

"Oh, Scratch! That's not how my name is spelled! You already met Jeff, remember?"

Geoff was about to go on about his partner before Molly interrupted to tell Geoff the bad news.

"Geoff, we have an emergency! Jinx just killed Libby and took her to the ghost world!" Molly explained.

Geoff was horrified by what he just heard. He couldn't believe that the world would be cruel enough to separate Molly and Libby like that!

"What? That's terrible! What can I do to help?" Geoff asked, willing to do anything for his friends.

"Take me to the ghost world!" Molly replied without a second thought.

Truthfully, Geoff didn't know how to do that. Throughout his afterlife, he had never seen a single human enter the ghost world.

"Molly, I know that you are worried about Libby, but are you sure this is a good idea?" Scratch asked.

"Scratch is right! I don't think I can ever bring humans there!" Geoff explained before he opened the portal to find some help from the ghost world. "I'll see if I can get some help in the ghost world."

Before Geoff could float through the portal, Molly stopped him at the last second.

"No! Libby needs me! I am not going to leave her behind!"

With that, Molly jumped through the portal Geoff created. Instead of entering the ghost world like she expected, Molly somehow found herself separated from her own body. Confused, Molly looked at her hands to see that they had a golden-like color. She soon floated in front of a mirror to see that she had a golden ghost-like appearance.

"Huh? What happened to me?" Molly asked in shock.

Once he realized what was going on, Scratch said, "Molly, you are a wraith now! You're separated from your body so it can't feel anything!"

"I feel nothing." Molly's body said with complete indifference, much to Molly's discomfort.

"That's creepy, but since I'm technically not human, you two can take me to the ghost world, right?" Molly asked.

"Yeah, I suppose." Geoff couldn't argue with that.

"Then come on! We can't keep Libby waiting!" Molly said before she floated over to Libby's body and held her hand. "Hang on, Libby! I will be there for you soon!"

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