Sanemi Shinazugawa

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(I have so many headcannons for this man it's unreal!)

• he probably denies dating you to the other Hashira in fear of it ruining his reputation,the only one who knows your together is probably Iguro,they are gossip buddies after all.

• although he denies dating you he is protective,if another hashira asks you out to eat (specifically tengen) he would give one of the nastiest side eyes of the century.

• clingy in private,has you on his lap while he runs his hands up and down your back.

• always takes the same missions as you,even when you insist as you have been paired with another hashira,these missions usually have a not so surprising ending ìf you get what I mean;).

• he likes to buy you expensive hairpieces,especially ones that look like fallen leaves,he thinks it would remind you of him.


Dirty talk - whether he is giving it or you are it gets him severely hard,especially when you do it,its like he's rubbing off on you and he can't help but fuck you senseless.

•breeding kink - you see,this one is controversial,I don't think Sanemi would want kids,but then I think about his past and how he wanted to protect his siblings,so being honest,he probably wants atleast 4 children of any gender.

~Things he is not into~

•Threesomes - YOU.ARE.HIS.
He is so serious when he specifically states this that its quite obvious he hates the thought of a threesome,besides who would he ask?Iguro would laugh and the other hashira are not close enough to him for him to simply ask for a round of sex with his partner.

•quickies - he wants to take time on pleasing you,he wants to prepare and soothe you after,if he cannot do that then he does not deserve to be called yours as he sees you as a deity that needs to be worshipped.

~How loud is he?~

Scarily quiet,he would much rather hear your moans then his own,he holds them in and let's them all out when he releases.probably scared of getting caught by litterally anyone.

~How serious is he?~

Hes in the middle to be honest,he gives lots of praise and dirty talk,isn't the type of person to crack jokes.he focuses on maintaining a steady pace and hitting deep.

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