Prom Night - [Priya x Damien]

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[Requested by: Looni24]

A/N: Sorry if this is a bit cringe, I wanted it to be similar to their personalities on the show. I hope u enjoyyy <3

In Wawanawka High, students were happy as it was Friday, and the last period of school was finally over, meaning a two-day break from stressful work, and the most special day for the upperclassmen, the upcoming prom. 

Priya was packing things up at her locker and was approached by her closest friend, Millie. "Hey Priya, are you excited about prom?" Millie asked with a warm smile on her face. 

"Oh, you know it!" Priya exclaimed as she zipped up her backpack. 

"So, are you finally going to ask Damien? You've been talking about it for the past two weeks and you become a clumsy mess every time he talks to you or around you. Which is odd considering the fact you guys are friends." 

"I know Millie, I only become awkward around him now because of the crush I have on him... I miss when I used to not be a nervous mess around him," Priya said before looking down. 

"Well, let's hope you don't become a nervous mess because he's coming," Millie pointed out, causing Priya to turn her neck back quickly. 

"Yo, Priya, Millie, what's up!" Damien exclaimed as he stood beside Priya. 

"Hey Damien," Millie said. 

"Um, yeah! Hi Damien," Priya said before awkwardly giggling. 

"So, Priya, going to prom with anyone special?" Damien asked, causing Priya to rub the back of her neck, awkwardly. 

"Uh, well you see..." 

"Damien! Get over here, we have to practice our poses for the pictures we're going to take at prom together!" Julia said, interrupting Priya, causing the three to turn their attention to her. 

"Oh, I'll see you later guys," Damien said as he walked off to join Julia. Priya and Millie both stared at the two walking out of the school in disbelief. 

"Wait, he's going to prom with her?!" Priya exclaimed as she slammed her locker out of anger, causing Millie to flinch a little. Julia was a girl who Priya never liked, the same goes for Julia. Julia's been picking on Priya ever since she transferred to Wawanawka High. She would publicly humiliate her and receive laughter from other students since Priya didn't have that many friends besides Millie and Damien. Now that Julia was taking Priya's crush to prom made her dislike towards Julia even stronger. 

"Priya, I get that you're mad, but we should get going, the buses are going to leave soon," Millie stated. With that, the two girls headed to their buses to go home.

Priya and Millie sat on a bench at their neighborhood's park. "This isn't fair! Julia is nothing but a complete jerk and Damien decided to go with her of all people?!" Priya exclaimed, causing Millie to pat her back in a comforting way. 

"Aww, it's okay Priya, we could go together," Millie suggested, causing Priya to look at the girl awkwardly. 

"Oh, sorry Millie, I don't think of you like-" 

"Not like that, as friends," Millie said, emphasizing friends. 

"Oh, well that wouldn't be bad I guess," Priya said, forming a soft smile. However, Priya's happy facial expression quickly turned into a nervous expression seeing Julia approaching her. 

"Oh, hey Priya and Priya's nerdy friend!" Julia said in a teasing tone. 

"Um, I have a name you know?" Millie said before crossing her arms. 

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