Hard to Get - [Ripper x Axel]

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[Requested by: Anonymous

A/N: This story will take place back in season 1 after the Pirates and the Cabbagean challenge

Axel swam back to shore after a blow from the cabbages from the opposing team ship. She coughed out water and opened her eyes as a shadow above her was cast. 

"Way to go, 'team captain,' you kicked me off the ship, and now you got knocked down. This is why I would've been the better option for the captain," Ripper remarked. Axel snarled, standing up to Ripper.

"Well, you were being a pain in the ass! Of course, I had to kick you off, or else the others would've thought that type of behavior was okay!" Axel retaliated. 

"Well, now we're not on the ship, so what are you trying to do?!" Ripper threatened. 

"Bring it," Axel said with a smirk as she balled up her fist to Ripper's face. 

"Alright, you two, calm it down," Chris said. 

"Whatever," the two immature teens said at once. 


A couple of hours had passed by, and the Ferocious Trouts lost the challenge and were now debating who to vote off. 

"Well, I say we vote off crazy woman here," Ripper started, referring to Axel. "She's the reason why we lost, she kicked off the most valuable player, which is me!" 

"See, look at you putting the rest of us below you. Plus, I'm the most valuable player!" Axel exclaimed. 

"You just did the same thing!" Ripper retaliated. 

"Will both of you be quiet?! I don't know which one is going home, but one of you is, and I'm glad it is one of you because you two are so annoying with your constant bickering," Priya scoffed. The rest of the Ferocious Trouts members then left Ripper and Axel alone. 

"Well look at what you did, now one of us is going home," Axel said. 

"Look at what I did? You're the one who kicked me overboard." 

"Whatever, I'm glad one of us is going home anyway. Whatever plays out at the elimination ceremony, I still won't have to deal with another day with you, so I don't even care if I get eliminated," Axel scoffed as she walked off, leaving Ripper alone. 

As much as Ripper wanted to retaliate to Axel's statement, he couldn't. Deep down inside, Ripper had liked Axel and her aggressive attitude. The whole time, he put on this aggressive facade to impress Axel, but it just made the relationship between the two worse. Now, knowing that his own crush was okay with being eliminated just to avoid being around him crushed Ripper even more. 

"Oh, man, I forgot my soda in here," spoke Zee as he walked in, picking up his soda from the top of the dresser inside the cabin.

Zee took a sip of his soda before realizing an upset Ripper in front of him. 

"Oh, what's a matter man?" 

"Oh... It's nothing," Ripper said. 

"Oh... Okay," Zee shrugged as he was about to leave the cabin. 

"Wait! This is the part where you're supposed to ask me what's wrong." Zee blinked a few times before realizing what Ripper meant.

"Oh! That makes sense. It's like those scenarios in those shows we used to watch when we were little. But what's wrong?" 

"Well... Don't tell anyone this, but I kind of have a little thing for Axel," Ripper admitted, causing Zee to gasp dramatically. 

"Woah! So what is the thing you're giving her?" Ripper raised an eyebrow at the scrawny boy. 

"What do you mean? I said I have a thing for her..." 

"Yeah, I know, that's why I said what did you have for her." Ripper then face-palmed at Zee's stupidity. 

"No, Zee, by thing, I meant crush." 

"Ohhhh, that makes sense now. So, why don't you just tell her?" Zee questioned before taking another sip of his soda.

"Because... Well... Um..." Ripper stammered trying to think of an excuse, but there was none. After all, in a couple of minutes, either he or Axel was getting kicked off of the island so he might as well just make a move now. 

"Attention Ferocious Trouts! Please head to the campfire ceremony to see which one of you is getting eliminated tonight!" Chris announced through the camp intercom. 

"Aw, well, it was nice knowing you man," Zee said before taking another sip of his soda and heading to the campfire ceremony. 


All members of the Ferocious Trouts were now gathered around the campfire. Zee, Priya, Chase, Scary Girl, Millie, and Damien all had their marshmallows. Fortunately, the last marshmallow was between either Axel or Ripper. 

"And the final marshmallow of the night goes to..." 

"Wait!" Ripper shouted, interrupting Chris. The campers all stared at him confusingly. "I have something to announce... To a special girl." 

The girls began sharing terrified facial expressions. 


"Phew!" Priya, Millie, and Scary Girl all said, interrupting Ripper. Ripper rolled his eyes and continued his speech. 

"Axel... I just wanted to let you know that I apologize for how I was a complete butt to you during today's challenge. I know that you were just trying to be a good team leader, but I just wanted to impress you with my skills." 

"What skills is he talking about?" Millie whispered to Priya. Priya shrugged in response. 

"Axel... I want to tell you that I have a crush on you!" Ripper admitted, causing a gasp out of several of his teammates besides Zee. 

"Nice," Zee nonchalantly said. 

"So... What do you say, Axel?" Ripper asked nervously. 

"I say," Axel started as she got up, causing a few of the contestants to flinch. Ripper closed his eyes in fear as he didn't know what Axel was about to do. 

"Ooh, this is going to be good!" Chris exclaimed, rubbing his hands together like a villain. 

Suddenly, Axel pulled Ripper into an aggressive kiss, asserting dominance over the chubby boy. Millie and Priya covered each other eyes in disgust at the sight of the lovers kissing. 

"No! You should not be allowed to air this on TV!" Damien exclaimed, covering his eyes as well. 

"Gross, not cool," Chase added. 

"I may be weird, but there are some things even I find disturbing, and this is one of them," Scary Girl said, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. 

Zee sipped his soda then looked at the two kissing and shrugged and continued drinking his soda. 

"We're going to receive a lot of letters about this again," Chef disappointingly said.

"Yuck! Instead of Axel just going home, take Ripper with her too. This is disturbing!" Chris exclaimed. The drone then grabbed both Axel and Ripper, surprisingly handling both of their sizes. Axel and Ripper continued making out as they flew off into the night. 

"Whoa brah, what a sick ending," Zee said, watching the two in the distance. 

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