The Weird Girl - [Priya x Scary Girl]

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[Requested by: 14367oA]

Priya and her best friend, Millie dramatically sighed as they approached the doors to their school. 

"Are you ready, Millie?" Priya asked with a shake in her voice. 

"Yeah, but the true question is, are you ready? You've been panicking ever since you found out we don't have first period together," Millie replied.

"Well, yeah, last semester we had every class together and now we only have three together." 

"Relax, you'll be fine. Besides, you'll probably meet some new people," Millie said as she opened the doors to their school, walking in as Priya followed. 

"You know what... You're right, maybe I am overreacting. Biology, here I come!" Priya exclaimed, quickly walking to the A hall. 

"Hey, you're going the wrong way! Biology is in B hall!" Millie shouted. 

"I know that I was just doing that for dramatic effect," Priya lied as she made her way over to the B hall. 

"Yeah, whatever, see you at lunch," Millie said, walking to her class. 

Priya entered her class right on time. The teacher was just about to take role, and she looked around for somewhere to sit. 

"Ooh, looks like you're going to have to sit in the back, nerdette, next with the weird girl," a chubby boy in a blue baseball jersey said in a teasing tone. 

"Okay, and what's wrong with that?" Priya asked, lifting an eyebrow. She then looked in the back to see a girl with purple hair, pale skin, a black dress that had an eerie vibe written all over it, purple eyeshadow, a creepy smile, and soul-sucking eyes. Priya gulped as she had now seen what her classmate was talking about, and with her luck, the only available seat was beside the so-called 'weird girl.' 

Priya slowly placed her bags down beside her chair and awkwardly side-eyed the weird girl as she pulled out her chair. 

"U-uh, h-hi, what's your name?" Priya stammered, trying to be nice and start a conversation. 

"Why are you talking to me?" The weird girl responded. 

"O-oh, I was just trying to be nice, not be rude or anything, heh," Priya nervously said before gulping. 

"Mmh... In that case, my name's Lauren, but people often call me Scary Girl or Weird Girl," she said before sighing. "Either work." 

"Aw, why did people give you those rude nicknames?" Lauren then twisted her neck, staring deep into Priya's eyes, causing the girl's fear to rise. 

"Stop trying to be nice," Lauren said, her tone being extremely aggressive. 

"O-okay, I completely understand now, you don't have to tell me twice," Priya said before nervously laughing. She cleared her throat and removed her mind from Lauren to avoid any more conflict with the confusing girl. 

Time passed and it was now time for lunch. Unlucky for Priya, Millie had a different lunch period, so once again, she was alone. On top of that, there were no available seats except for one table which was where Lauren sat alone. Priya sighed and made her way to the creepy girl's table. 

"Hey Lauren," Priya said, flashing a forced grin, trying to avoid making Lauren upset like she did in biology. Lauren's usual creepy face went away and she blandly stared at Priya. 

"Oh... Hi? I'm not used to people approaching me using my normal name." 

"Aw, well you should be. You have a nice name," Priya said with a warm smile before taking a bite out of her apple. Lauren gave Priya a small grin then quickly shook her head and rolled her eyes. 

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