secrets of the Omnitrix (3)

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Y/n lies down in a chair, in the center of a gigantic bowl-shaped room, with a large dome above him and Tetrax at the controls.

Tetrax: "Ready?"

Y/n: "as best I can be with a bomb on my arm"

Tetrax: "Don't worry. I've performed many of these test on myself. Never felt a thing"

He puts on the control gloves.

Y/n: "says the petrosapian"

Tetrax: "Uh...good point! Let's get started!"

Y/n rolls his eyes as Tetrax puts on a special helmet with a visor, and activates the holographic menu, lowering the gigantic bowl down on y/n, completely covering him in darkness. Red lines pass over his body, scanning him and the Omnitrix. Y/n closed his eyes, and meditates while tetrax works. A green, wireframe-like hologram of y/n is produced and floats above him. The hologram of y/n disappears, leaving only the Omnitrix. It detaches into multiple segments, and the stack of circular panels beneath the faceplate are isolated. Then, each panel separates into their own components, as Tetrax checks each individual one.

Tetrax : "that's odd. I Can't find Azmuth's DNA signature anywhere. Do you have any ideas where it could be?"

Y/n: "well.. a few weeks ago I got shuri a watch. Had her name engraved on

Tetrax : "Of course!"
Tetrax shoos his current menus and returns to the main panel; dragging his fingers and bringing all the components of the Omnitrix hologram back together. He then spins it around, gives it color, and enlarges it. Eventually, a cluster of nine white dots appear.

Tetrax: "Found it!"

Y/n: "huh. Who knew watch engravings were universal?"


The two now sat at tetrax' computer, and types away

Tetra: "Now we can scan for the being with that DNA composition. ...That can't be right. According to this, Azmuth is on Incarcecon.. the prison planet"

Y/n: "incarcecon? Grandpa talked about it. But never mentioned anything other than it being.. y'know.. the prison planet. Any idea as to why he's there?"

Tetrax: "unknown. But it's home to the scummiest of the scum of the universe. Gluto, Lay a course to Incarcecon"

Gluto chirps with a thumbs up, until An alarm suddenly rings out, surprising Gluto.

Tetrax: "Security breach, lower level! We have an intruder!"

Tetrax and and y/n fly on the levitating platform, back down to the hangar. Tetrax pulls out his gun, with y/n pulling out his batons.

Tetrax: "We have to assume the worst. If we split up, we can cover more ground"

Y/n: "agreed"

The two step off the platform, and search the area separately, and walk through a series of containers. Tetrax moves quietly with his gun raised. He hears a noise and leaps at it with his gun ready, but it was just y/n, who aimed widows bite back at him. They continue, y/n searched around, until he heard a noise. He followed behind it, before leaping forward, ready to attack the intruder... Only to get a clear view of who it was... Sorry. Who they were.

Y/n: "zed? Shuri?! What the hell are you two doing here?!"

Shuri: "well, hello to you too"

Y/n: "shuri, honey, what are you and zed doing here?"

Shuri: "I... We.. wanted to help"

Y/n looked at her unamused. He then turns to zed, who gave the same answer in a gruff. Y/n sighed, and put away his batons.

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