Chapter 2: Stuck in a cave

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Ever since his encounter with Luz and Crystal, Leon spent some time with them getting to know them for the next few days. Luz told him many things about the Human Realm, and he listened to every word. Luz even played some music from her realm that Leon really loved. As for Crystal, she and Leon bonded over common interests and she even demonstrated her magic skills. Leon had already saw her skills in potions and plants during the day they met, but Leon learned that she's also good with animals, thanks to her knowledge in beast keeping. Of course bonding with Luz and Crystal had also lead him to bonding with the rest of Crystal's family. Eda he had already met during his first day of Hexside, turns out she's a wild witch, but she's well respected among the people of Bonesborough. King was pretty adorable when he tries having a sense of authority. And then there's Hooty. Hooty was. . . interesting to say the least. He kind of does his own thing, whatever that is.

Today, Leon was wandering the woods (dressed in his casual wear that he bought from Eda), looking for potion ingredients. As he was walking, he was listening to some music on a device that he had bought from Eda's shop at one point. Luz said it was called an MP3 player. Leon hums with the tune as he walks until he spots some glowing bulb plants.

Leon: Flash Bulbs, perfect for my flash bang potions.

Leon walks over to the plants to harvest them, taking extra care not to set them off and blind himself. Leon spent some time finding other ingredients for his potions, including basilisk scales from an abandoned nest for his invisibility potions, unstable geode crystals for his explosive potions, rush spores for his speed potions, breath of fire breathing snapdragon flowers for his smoke screen potions, and sleeping nettles for his sleep gas potions.

Leon: Alright, that should do it.

As Leon was about to head home, he hears the sound of thunder and noticed a rain drop hit the ground and burn a flower. Leon immediately gets worried when he realizes what's happening.

Leon: Uh oh, boiling rain!

Leon quickly throws his satchel around his shoulder and runs to find cover from the rain. Eventually he comes across a cave and heads inside.

Leon: Phew, that was too close. I better text my parents to tell them I'm alright.

Leon pulls out his scroll and sends a message to his parents to let them know he's safe.

Leon: 'Didn't have time to get home, found cover in a nearby cave.'

Sylvia (mom): 'I'm glad you're okay, sweetie. Please come home as soon as the rain stops. Love you.'

Leon: *smiles* 'Will do. Love you to, mom.'

Leon puts away his scroll and pulls out his journal. Since his first day at Hexside, Leon has been keeping a track record of his life and personal thoughts in a journal which just got more interesting in recent events. After logging his thoughts, he puts away his journal and starts playing his ocarina.

???: Who's there?

???: Are you the cause of that music?

Leon stops playing and faces the voices where he finds the twins.

Leon: Oh, Ed, Em! Boy, am I glad to see you two.

Edric: Same here, this was the only cover we could find from the boiling rain.

Emira: So how did you find yourself here?

Leon: *sits on the ground with the twins while setting sticks for a fire* Well, I was just out here gathering potion ingredients and before I could get home, the rain starts and I ran in here.

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