CHAPTER 8 : Two partners in crime

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*Anonym’s veiw*

Days passed, and Jungkook started to open up to Taehyung. They talked, shared jokes, and played games together.

Jungkook: "Hyung, I have a new game. If you want, we can play it together."

Taehyung: "yah, Jungooha, I want just to be friend with you, so don't call me hyung ok?. Just call me Taehyung."

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, unsure about breaking the hierarchy.

Jungkook: "But Hyung, it feels weird not to call you hyung. I've always respected paople older then me."

Taehyung smiled, understanding Jungkook's dilemma.

Taehyung: "I appreciate your respect, Jungkook. But let's focus on building a deeper bond as friends ok?. We can leave the formalities aside when it's just the two of us."

Jungkook pondered Taehyung's words, promissed him that he will try.


*Anonym’s veiw*

Days passed, Taehyung and Jongkook become closer and even make pranks togethe to the memebers, specaily to jin.

‘’Jungoo-ha’’ taehyung whispers to jungkook, ‘’jin hyung is taking nape now, what do you think if we ply with him ?’’ taehyung said with silly smile.

‘’ do you have a plan ?!’’ jongkook asked with excited face.

Taehyung: " How about we hide some alarm clocks in his room?"

Jungkook: "That sounds fun! Let's set them to go off at different times throughout the day. He won't know what hit him!"

Taehyung noded and said ‘’Follow me’’.

[Later, in Jin's room]

Jin: Startled by the sound of an alarm "What?! Where is that coming from?"

Taehyung and Jungkook (quietly giggling): Watching from a distance

[Jin starts searching for the alarm clock, only to have another one go off]

Jin: "Not again! How many alarms are there?!"

Jungkook (whispering to Taehyung): "This is hilarious! He's so confused!"

Jin: "Alright, you both, you've had your fun with this. Now it's time for some payback!"

Taehyung: Laughs nervously "Uh-oh, what kind of punishment do you have in mind, Jin hyung?"

Jungkook: Looking sheepish "Yeah, we're ready to accept our punishment, hyung."

Jin: "Taehyung it was your idea right ? Since you pranked, you'll have to participate in the punishment. Taehyung, you'll have to do 100 frog jumps as a foot sport traction. "

Taehyung with his poppie eyes : Surprised "100 frog jumps? Oh jinhyung!"

Jin: "Don't worry, it's just a fun way for us to bond and learn from our pranks. And once you've completed the punishment, all is forgiven."

[Taehyung prepare himself and start doing his frog jumps, with Jin counting and encouraging him.]

Jin: "One... Two... Keep going, Taehyung! Three...! Four..."

Jungkook: Nervously "Hyung, i was part of that prank, sol et me share the punishment with him."

Hoasok: "What's going on here? Why are Taehyung and Jungkook doing frog jumps?"

Jin: Laughs "Well, they played a prank on me, and now they're receiving their punishment. Taehyung has to do 100 frog jumps, and Jungkook is joining him for 50."

Hoasok: Joining in the laughter "That's hilarious! Can we watch?"

Jin: "Of course, join us!"

[The other members gather around, cheering Taehyung and Jungkook on as they continue their frog jumps.]

Jungkook: Grunting "This is tougher than I thought, but I won't give up!"

Taehyung: Panting "I'm almost there! Just a few more to go!"

[After completing their frog jumps, Taehyung and Jungkook are exhausted but proud of themselves.]

Jin: "Well done, Taehyung and Jungkook! You've completed your punishment, and now it's time for forgiveness. Pranks are all part of the fun, but let's remember to respect each other and play fair."

Taehyung: Smiling "Thank you, Jin hyung, and we won't prank you like that again."

Jungkook: "Yes, sorry for our mischievousness, hyung. We'll make it up to you."

Jin: "No need to apologize. Just when you want to make a pranks to someone, think first about the punushment which you will get."


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