Chapter 9 :

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Times had passed, and the dorm was buzzing with anticipation. Jimin had received an exciting phone call from the company, informing him that he would be joining our group as a new member. The news spread quickly, and the members couldn't contain their excitement.

*Taehyung’s View*

When Jimin shared the news with me, his eyes shining with joy, I couldn't help but feel overjoyed for him. I knew how hard he had worked and how much he deserved this opportunity. Without hesitation, I offered to accompany him to the dorm so he could meet the other five members and officially become a part of our team.

As we made our way to the dorm, Jimin's excitement was palpable. He chattered away about his dreams and aspirations, and I couldn't help but smile at his infectious enthusiasm.

Jimin: "Tae, can you believe it? I'm actually going to be a part of your group! Woah ! This is a dream come true!"

Taehyung: "I'm so proud of you, Jimin! Your hard work and dedication are finally paying off. You're going to shine brightly as a member of our team, and our memders and Lead are so kind, you will love them, and they will love you!"

When we arrived at the dorm, the atmosphere was filled with anticipation. I led Jimin inside, introducing him to each member with a warm smile.

Taehyung: "Hey, everyone! I've got someone special to introduce to you all. This is Jimin, our newest member!"

Namjoon: "Hey, Jimin! Welcome to the family. We're thrilled to have you here. İ’m namjoon, the Leader of the group"

Jimin: "Thank you, Namjoon hyung. It's an honor to be a part of this amazing group."

As the introductions continued, I couldn't help but notice Jungkook's reaction from the back. His usually reserved and introverted demeanor seemed more pronounced, and it sparked a sense of concern within me. I decided to take a moment to talk to him and see if something was bothering him.

"Hyung, I'm going to help Jimin collect his things since he'll be staying with us from today," I said to Namjoon, my gaze shifting towards the solemn figure of Jungkook retreating to his room without uttering a word.

Namjoon nodded understandingly, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and support. "Alright, Taehyung. Take care of yourself and our new member, Jimin. If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to let us know."

With a determined nod, I left to join Jimin, ready to support him and embrace this new chapter in our journey as a group. But in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but wonder what might be troubling Jungkook, hoping to address any concerns and bring back the light to his eyes.

As Jimin and I entered the dorm with his belongings, he carried a box filled with a delicious treat he had prepared for everyone—a homemade cake. The aroma filled the air, instantly capturing the attention of the other members. Their faces lit up with excitement as they gathered around to see what Jimin had brought.

Jimin: "Hey, everyone! I wanted to celebrate my official entry into the group, so I made a cake for all of you. It's a small token of my gratitude and a way to say thank you for welcoming me."

The members' eyes sparkled with delight as they eagerly accepted a slice of the cake. The room was filled with laughter and joy as we all savored the sweetness of the moment. However, I couldn't help but notice that Jungkook was still in his bedroom, seemingly hesitant to join the gathering.

Suddenly, Yoongi, who noticed Jungkook's absence, called out to him from the seating area, trying to engage him in the gathering.

Yoongi: "Jungkook, come on out. Jimin brought cake, and we're all excited to welcome him. Plus, you and Jimin are both from Busan, so it's a special connection."

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