Chapter 24

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In the early morning hours, Jin made his way back to the dorm, carrying bags filled with food supplies. Opening the door as usual, he entered the kitchen and placed the bags down. He then proceeded directly to the bedroom to check on the boys. Namjoon was sound asleep in his designated spot, Jimin was still dozing, and Jungkook appeared to be awake, but Jin wasn't in the mood for playful banter. Taehyung, however, was still peacefully asleep, clinging tightly to Yoongi.

Not wanting to disturb the others, Jin quietly made his way to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast. But before he could even begin, Hoseok abruptly stood up from his bed and hurriedly followed Jin to the kitchen. He grabbed Jin's arm, speaking softly but with a sense of urgency.

Hoseok: "Jin, you have to tell me what's going on. I won't let you go anywhere until you do. I can sense that something is deeply wrong. Okay, maybe you don't want to burden Jimin and Jungkook because they're still young, but me? I deserve to know, Jin."

Jin hesitated for a moment, realizing that Hoseok's concern was valid. He knew he couldn't keep the truth hidden any longer.

Jin: "Alright, Hoseok. But not here. We need to step outside; it's a conversation that should be had away from the dorm."

Hoseok nodded nervously, slipping on his shoes as they both made their way out of the dorm. The cool morning air embraced them as they found a quiet spot outside, away from prying ears.

Jin took a deep breath, his voice quivering with emotion as he began to recount the events of the previous day, tears welling up in his eyes. He held nothing back, describing the heart-wrenching scene he had discovered with Yoongi, his voice cracking with every word. Hoseok gasped, his eyes widening in shock. His hand instinctively covered his mouth as he tried to process the gravity of the situation. Tears welled up in his own eyes, mirroring Jin's emotions.

Tears streamed down Jin's face, his heart breaking at the memory of Yoongi's anguish. Hoseok reached out and embraced him, their tears mingling as they held onto each other for support.

The seven boys sat in the living room eating their breakfast, the atmosphere full of silence. Jungkook still fixed his gaze on Taehyung and Yoongi. Jin wanted to break that silence, so he started making some of his dad jokes to lighten the mood.

They finished their breakfast, and Taehyung started helping Jin with the dishes, along with Jungkook and Jimin. Jin and Taehyung were in the kitchen. "Jin, I can't keep this secret from Jungkook because I promised him that there would be no secrets between us," Taehyung pleaded with Jin. Jin nodded, understanding their situation. At that moment, Jin received a phone call from his mom, so he stepped out of the kitchen and the dorm to talk.

Once Jungkook saw Jin leave the kitchen, he hurriedly went to the kitchen and grabbed Taehyung's arm. "We have to talk," Jungkook said with a serious face. Taehyung softly replied, "Okay, but not now, okay?" Jungkook continued to hold Taehyung's arm and with a more serious voice, he said, "Right now, Taehyung." Jimin arrived in the kitchen and said, "Yes, Taehyung, I want to know what's going on too." Taehyung sighed and said, "Okay, then... then not here. We have to go outside." Jungkook and Jimin nodded, put on their shoes, and left the dorm. They arrived at a park near their dorm.

"Yes, Taehyung, I'm listening," Jungkook said, still furious.

"We're listening," Jimin added.

"It's just that Yoongi was a little bit sick, so I was taking care of him," Taehyung said, looking at Jungkook and Jimin.

"Oh, really?" Jungkook said with a playful smile, and he continued, "Taehyung, I'm not a kid anymore, okay? You were sleeping beside him and hugging him all night, and... and at midnight, you... you went with him to the bathroom."Jungkook's voice was shaking.

"What? You went to the bathroom with Yoongi? At midnight? I always thought there was something between you both," Jimin said, looking at Taehyung, which made Jungkook more furious.

Taehyung lowered his head without saying anything, and Jungkook continued, "Okay, then, next time if Jimin gets sick, I'll sleep beside him, I'll hug him, and..."

"Oh, thank you, Kookie. I didn't know you loved me that much," Jimin said, looking at Jungkook.

"Shut up," Jungkook said, looking at Jimin,

then back to Taehyung, and said, "Taehyung, please, just tell me, and I won't disturb you. Please." Jungkook pleaded with Taehyung.

"If you stop saying stupid things, then I will talk," Taehyung said, looking into Jungkook's eyes and Jimin's.

Both Jungkook and Jimin nodded. Taehyung started talking and told them about what happened with Yoongi the previous day.

Jungkook had a shocked face, his eyes tearing up, his hands shaking. Taehyung took Jungkook's hands to calm him and also took Jimin's hand and said, "We have to take care of him, especially now. We should not allow him to be alone in any condition. Every time, one of us should stay with him." Jungkook and Jimin nodded, and Jimin said, "Yes, you're right. I will try to stay by his side all the time."


See you next chapter

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