Chapter 22

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Namjoon and Taehyung exchanged glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. They nodded in agreement, knowing that they had to respect Yoongi's privacy and provide the support he needed without the whole group becoming overwhelmed.

While Jin prepared warm milk for Yoongi, Taehyung carefully climbed onto the bed and lay down beside yongi. He wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close in a comforting embrace. Yoongi, still lost in his own world, allowed himself to be enveloped by Taehyung's presence, finding solace and security in the warmth of their friendship.

Namjoon, feeling a mix of worry and determination, sat in the living room, pondering how to safeguard his friends and keep them out of harm's way. He knew that he needed to find a solution to the challenges they faced, to shield them from any more pain.

The dorm was filled with an eerie silence, as the weight of the situation hung in the air. Jin and Namjoon sat in the living room, their expressions grave and solemn. Meanwhile, Taehyung remained lying on Yoongi's side of the bed, his arms wrapped tightly around him, offering comfort and support.

After a few hours, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook returned from their practice session. They entered the dorm, their faces beaming with joy and laughter, unaware of the underlying tension. However, their cheerful expressions quickly turned to confusion as they saw Jin and Namjoon sitting in the living room, their faces wearing unusual and troubled expressions.

Hoseok, his curiosity piqued, couldn't contain his concern any longer. "What's happened?" he asked, his voice filled with worry. "Is there something wrong?"

Jungkook's eyes scanned the room, searching for answers. He hesitantly asked, "Where's Taehyung?"

In response, Jin slowly moved his head, indicating the bedroom without uttering a single word. His silent gesture spoke volumes, conveying the seriousness of the situation.

Confused and concerned, Jungkook hurriedly made his way to the bedroom, a mix of shock and confusion on his face. As he entered the room, his eyes widened at the sight before him. Taehyung was peacefully asleep, clinging tightly to Yoongi.

*Jungkook’s view*

As we entered the dorm, an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. Something was off, especially when I saw Jin and Namjoon with inexplicable expressions on their faces. Their eyes were red, as if they had been crying. My heart started to race, and I couldn't help but worry.

I immediately sought out Taehyung, my mind consumed with questions. What was happening? Why did Jin and Namjoon look so distraught? When I entered the bedroom, my shock grew as I saw Taehyung peacefully asleep beside Yoongi, his arms wrapped tightly around him. Confusion, worry, and a hint of anger flooded my mind. I didn't know what to make of this scene. Should I wake up Taehyung and ask him immediately? Or should I wait for him to wake up on his own?

Lost in my thoughts, Jimin joined me in the bedroom, his eyes widening as he took in the sight before us. "What's going on here?" he whispered, his voice filled with concern.  my gaze still fixed on Taehyung and Yoongi. "I don't know,", then jimin said ‘’maybe we have to wait, when taehyung will wake up we will ask him’’.

Maybe he have right, i wait , but i don’t know if i can wait till he wake up.

*jin’s veiw*

The horrifying scene still haunted my mind, refusing to fade away. It was the first time I had felt such fear, terrified of losing one of my precious members.

I tried to lose myself in my thoughts, but Hoseok's incessant questioning made it difficult. I understood his worry, but I wasn't in the right state to explain everything. My mind was solely focused on finding a way to help my friends, especially Yoongi and his fragile mental health.

In that moment, I stood up, grabbed my phone, and announced to Namjoon and Hoseok, "I'm going to my parents' home. I'll be back early tomorrow." I locked eyes with Namjoon and added, "If anything happens, just call me anytime."

Namjoon nodded in understanding, while Hoseok appeared confused. I couldn't blame him for not understanding my actions fully, but I needed this time away to gather my thoughts and find a way to support Yoongi and the others.

With a heavy heart, I left the dorm, hoping that my absence would bring some clarity and solutions to the turmoil we faced.

*Hoseok’s view*

As the minutes ticked by, the tension in the dorm seemed to intensify. A sense of unease settled within me, triggered by the unusual expressions on Jin and Namjoon's faces. I exchanged concerned glances with Namjoon, silently acknowledging that something was amiss.

Sitting in the living room, I couldn't shake the feeling that a secret lingered in the air, just beyond my grasp. The silence grew heavier, intensifying my curiosity and leaving me longing for answers. My gaze drifted towards the closed bedroom door, aching to know what lay behind it.

Unable to contain my worry any longer jin avowed my questions, and left the dorm let me more confused, I turned to Namjoon, my voice filled with concern. "Namjoon, what's happening? What's going on?"

Namjoon let out a tired sigh, his voice heavy with sadness. "Hoseok, I can't say anything right now. Maybe in the morning. I'm not feeling well please." Namjoon said plaiding

His response only fueled my worry, and I could sense the weight of his emotions. Though disappointed, I respected his need for space and understanding. I knew that forcing answers wouldn't alleviate the situation; instead, it would only add to the burden we all carried.

With a nod, I decided to give Namjoon the space he needed. I settled back into the couch, the questions still swirling in my mind, but for now, there was no choice but to wait patiently for the morning to come.


See you next chapter

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