Chapter 23

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*Jin’s view*

Feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me, i knew i had to seek help for my friends and our struggling agency. With a heavy heart, i made my way to my childhood home, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings.

As i entered the house, the warmth and familiarity brought both comfort and pain. my mother greeted me with open arms, her eyes immediately catching the traces of sorrow on my face. She held me tightly, sensing the depth of my emotions.

Mom: "Jin, my dear, what's happened? Why are you crying?"

my voice trembling: "Mom, it's Yoongi... something terrible happened. He's in so much pain, and the group, our agency... we're struggling."

Mom, her eyes filled with compassion: "Oh, my dear, tell me what happened."

In between sobs, i poured out my heart, recounting the events that had unfolded with Yoongi and the struggles we faced as a group. i shared my concerns for our future and the financial strain we were under. my mother listened attentively, her heart breaking for her me and my friends.

Knowing the urgency of the situation, i implored my mother to speak to my father as soon as possible. Tears streamed down my face as i explained the dire need for assistance. i couldn't bear to see my friends suffer, and i needed my father's help to alleviate our burden.

me: "Mom, we need help. We can't do this alone. Can you talk to Dad, please? Ask him if he can assist us financially? It's urgent, Mom."

Mother, a mix of sadness and determination in her eyes: "Jin, I promise you, I'll talk to your father as soon as he comes home tonight. We'll find a way to help."

i, pleadingly: "Please, Mom, it can't wait. We need his help now. I can't bear to see our dreams shatter and our friends suffer."

Mother, her voice filled with reassurance: "Jin, I understand. But your father will be home late tonight. In the meantime, you should take a shower and try to get some rest. Tomorrow, we'll address this with a clear mind and a plan."

But i couldn't bring myself to leave the painful memories behind just yet. The image of Yoongi struggling and the overwhelming emotions consumed my thoughts, making it impossible to find solace even in the comfort of my childhood home.

my heart heavy with worry: "I can't... I can't wash away the images, Mom. It's too much. I need to stay awake, to be there for them."

Mother, her voice gentle: "I know it's difficult, my dear. But taking care of yourself is important too. Rest, and tomorrow we'll find a way to support your friends. I promise."

With a heavy sigh, i settled into a chair, my mind filled with worries and hopes for a brighter future. Tomorrow would bring a new opportunity, and i clung to the promise that my mother would speak to my father. In the meantime, i would remain vigilant, my heart never straying far from the memebers and their well-being.

*Anonimous view*

As night fell, Jin's mother anxiously awaited the return of her husband, knowing that she needed to discuss the urgent matter concerning their son and his friends. When her husband finally arrived, exhaustion etched across his face, she approached him with a mixture of determination and concern.

Jin’s mom: "Honey, we need to talk. It's about Jin and his friends."

Jin’s dad, sensing the seriousness in her voice: "What's happened? Is everything alright?"

Jin’s mom, her voice tinged with urgency: "No, it's not. Jin came to me in tears. Their group, their dreams, everything is in jeopardy. They're struggling, and they need our help."

Jin’s dad, his brows furrowing with worry: "What happened? Tell me everything."

Jin’s mom proceeded to share the heartbreaking details of Yoongi's emotional turmoil and the financial challenges their group and agency faced. She emphasized the urgency of the situation and the toll it was taking on Jin and the members.

Jin’s mom, her voice filled with determination: "We can't let them suffer, my love. They're like our own children, and their dreams matter just as much. We need to support them."

Jin’s dad, after a moment of contemplation: "You're right. Our family has been blessed, and it's time for us to give back. I'll do whatever I can to help them."

Jin’s mom, a glimmer of hope in her eyes: "Thank you, my love. Your support means the world to Jin and his friends. They need us now more than ever."

Jin’s dad, a sense of determination in his voice: "I'll make some calls first thing in the morning. We'll find a way to assist them, to give them the stability they need to pursue their dreams."

Jin’s mom, gratitude filling her heart: "Thank you, darling. I knew I could count on you. Together, we'll make a difference in their lives."

*Taehyung’s view*

I was just pretending that I'm sleeping because I know that Jungkook and Jimin will come to ask me. And since Jin told us not to say anything, I can't face them yet, not even Jungkook. I can feel his eyes fixed on me, I sense his presence near me in the midnight, but I couldn't open my eyes. 'I'm sorry, Kookie, not now. Please try to understand me,' I said in my thoughts.

I couldn't sleep all night. I was afraid that if I slept, Yoongi would wake up and try to harm himself again. So, I was ready for any movement from him.

At night, Yoongi woke up, and I immediately sat beside him and asked him in a very soft voice, ‘'Yoongi, do you need anything? I can bring it to you, just tell me.’'

‘'I just want to use the bathroom,’' Yoongi said, looking into my eyes with a tired smile.

‘’Okay, I'm coming with you,’’ I said as I stood up from the bed.

'’No, Taehyung, I will just use the bathroom and come back,’' Yoongi said, trying to convince me.

‘'No, me too, I want to use the bathroom. We're both boys, nothing to hide,’' I said with my tatamic voice, which made Yoongi smile. I felt so happy that I made him smile at that time.

*Jungkook’s view*

From the moment I saw Taehyung sleeping beside Yoongi and hugging him, I felt pain in my heart. But when Jimin told me that we have to wait until he wakes up to ask, I agreed with him because I didn't have any other choice.

I stood on my bed, my gaze fixed on the scene of Taehyung hugging Yoongi. I laid on my bed, tossing left and right, trying to calm down my nerves and my stress. Then I stood up and found myself beside Taehyung. 'Should I wake him up right now?' I wondered to myself. Suddenly, I felt like Yoongi was moving, so I quickly returned to my bed.

I saw Yoongi sitting in his place, and immediately Taehyung stood up too. They were whispering together, but I could hear that Yoongi wanted to use the bathroom, and Taehyung wanted to go with him using his tatamic voice.

'What the fuck is that, Taehyung?! First, sleeping and hugging him, and now going to the bathroom with him?' I said to myself, with a frown on my face.  


See you next chapter

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