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Bakugou sent out a big explosion towards Izuku, who tried to run away from him but was too slow.

He fell hard on the grass full of rocks at the back of the school, yet he still tried to crawl away.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT! HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME!" Bakugou growled as he burned Izuku's back.

He screamed as tears began to crawl out of his eyes, then he was pulled by the hair and forced to look at his assaulter.

"I already told you... you can't even APPROACH that bastard! AND YET YOU STILL MANAGE TO DO IT! SOMETHING SO SIMPLE, YET YOU CAN'T EVEN DO IT!" Katsuki yelled at the scared boy as he delivered him a kick in the stomach.

Izuku coughed loudly as he received the impact, he held his stomach with his hands in a way to protect it, but it sadly wouldn't work.

Bakugou lifted him up by the hair and smashed him into the nearest tree, making him bleed from the neck as he yelped in pain.

"I-I'm sorry...! He approached me f-first, I didn't-" Izuku began to explain but was interrupted by the harsh pain in his stomach brought to him by Bakugou's fist.

"I don't CARE how it happened! All I care about if YOU! BUT THAT BASTARD IS TRYING TO STEAL YOU FROM ME! AND NOW... YOU NEED TO PAY THE CONSEQUENCES FOR PERMITTING THAT!" Bakugou warned Izuku as he threw him to the rocky floor.

He placed his foot harshly on Izuku's back as he lifted up his slightly-burned shirt, he placed his hand on his back and let out a big explosion.

Izuku screamed as the pain scattered all over his back, he felt the heat of the fire still within his skin.

"That'll show you who you belong to, or is that not enough? Do you have to be marked... in another way?" Bakugou asked, lust filling his eyes.

Izuku tried to escape but was held back by Bakugou climbing on top of him.

"Maybe that's what you need to refresh your mind, and remind you who is your owner...!" Bakugou smirked and he dug his hand into Izuku's pants.

He kicked his legs in an attempt to stop Bakugou, but he knew that something as simple as that wouldn't stop him.

He reached into the part Izuku feared he would get to, and slowly, he inserted one finger into Izuku.

He yelped as he felt the finger slowly being pushed deeper inside, that only made Bakugou hungry for more.

"You like this, don't you? Icyhot would never do this to you, he doesn't love you like I do!" Bakugou told Izuku as he dug even deeper into him.

"Please... j-just let me go- AHHH!" Izuku whined as he felt another finger slide in.

"Let you go?" Bakugou snickered, "Why would I ever do something like that? YOUR MINE! I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT WITH YOU!" Bakugou remembered Izuku as he pushed yet another finger inside.

He screamed as he felt the pain, he just wanted it to stop, he'd do whatever it takes. The feeling of those fingers moving in and out was sickening, he was extremely glad when they were taken out.

He panted in relief, but was kicked in the chest not so long after.

"This is only a taste of what I'll do to you tonight, be sure to leave the window unlocked~" Bakugou informed Izuku as he left him alone in the forest, with a little difficulty walking.

He stood up with the help of the tree branches around him, then he began walking around the forest for a long time in search of an exit but found none, he began to worry.

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