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Todoroki's fist met Bakugou's face in a fiery and rageful punch, making blood start do drip from the blonde's nose.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR, DUMBASS?!" Bakugou called out angrily, but Todoroki was not falling for his tough facade anymore.

He grabbed his enemy's collar tightly with his smoky hands, his eyes seemed to dig holes into Bakugou's skin like lasers due to his bubbling anger.

"Don't you even try to play dumb with me, I already know everything..." Todoroki growled in whispers as he tightened his grip.

Bakugou looked at where Izuku was standing, he stood wide eyed and paralyzed.

He clenched his teeth and fist at the same time, he couldn't believe that Deku would even DARE to snitch on him like that! Although he clearly did not, Bakugou just lived his little fantasy where he was always right.

"H-hey man...! We need to calm down bro, please let him go!" Kirishima asked nicely as he tried to civilize the argument, but he was totally ignored by both of the battling teens.

Bakugou pushed Todoroki away from him, he was still holding his fierce act, even though he knew he was in terrible danger.

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY ICYHOT! YOU CAN EAT SHIT AND GO TO HELL!" Bakugou snapped as he wiped away the blood that slowly dripped from his nose.

Todoroki looked at him with pure disgust, he couldn't believe someone could be so... so repulsive... he didn't understand how could this man stand right there and fight, as if he had no shame for his revultive actions.

Just then, as the fight was about to resume, the front door was dramatically opened with a loud bang. Aizawa emerged from the opening doors, he looked at the situation he had walked in, and sighed angrily.

"All of you, except Kirishima, come with me to the principal's office" he demanded in an angry tone.

They all froze at the statement, Todoroki was the first one to move, he carried Midoriya along his way to Aizawa's side. Bakugou still didn't move, his eyes were wide as he realized the trouble he had put himself in.

"Bakugou." Aizawa hissed as he gave his student the coldest death stare he had ever given, "Come with me, you don't want things to get worse for yourself, don't you?"

He gulped and slowly walked towards his angry teacher. They left the dorms in an awkward and toxic silence, leaving Kirishima confused as hell.

Aizawa was a prepared guy, that's why he didn't come to the dorms immediately. Because he decided to first talk to nezu about the topic, and then bring the boys in, saving him the long explanation in front of the kids.

They arrived at the office in the same silence they had left the dorms, they took a seat on the chairs nezu had previously arranged for them. Nezu had his hands intertwined with each other, his cup of tea was left aside for the moment while radiating its smoke beautifully.

"So..." Nezu started while looking disappointed, "Your teacher told me what happened, and I just have one thing to say... why? Why did you do that Bakugou? What did Midoriya do to you that made you do that?"

"Tsk... it's not even that deep! I don't understand why you need to call us here for such a stupid thing! You're wasting my time!" Bakugou whined angrily as he looked to the side.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Todoroki snapped as he hit the table with his fist and looked at the blonde.

"No, what the hell is wrong with YOU! YOU'RE the one acting aggressive here! Just shut up already, you're overreacting!" Bakugou defended himself as he pointed at the angry teen.

"Both of you, calm down!" Nezu shouted, making the room fall silent. "Bakugou, I have no option but to agree with Todoroki"


Everyone in the room stared at him in disbelief, except for a certain freckled boy who looked to the ground as sadness and guilt filled his insides.

"Bakugou, it seems that you don't know the gravity of the matter," Nezu pointed out "we are going to have to get you expelled, young man"

"WHAT?! THAT'S INSANE! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Bakugou yelled in surprise.

"I'm afraid I have no other option, Bakugou. The police are on their way right now, they will judge what charges to give you and whether you will go to prison or not" Nezu started with a cold tone.

"WHAT THE HELL!? WHY ARE YOU OVERREACTING FOR SOMETHING SO LITTLE?! DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW MUCH THAT WOULD AFFECT ME?!" Bakugou snapped violently as he stood up and smashed the table, his eyes wider than ever.

"Yes, I certainly do. But have you ever realized how much what you did to Midoriya affected him?" Nezu pointed out cleverly, leaving Bakugou at a loss for words "Judging by your reaction, I guess you didn't. But that's alright, the police will most certainly tell you"

Bakugou breathed heavily in anger, he wanted to let all his anger out on Izuku, but he knew if he did that he would get in even bigger trouble. And even if he did attempt to do so, he couldn't have done it, since the police arrived at that very second.

Everyone turned their heads around to see the loud group of policemen enter the room, everyone except nezu, who was already facing them. Bakugou made one last attempt to escape, but was easily defeated by the strong policemen, he was cuffed and dragged outside of UA.

The two teens followed the policemen outside and saw the whole scene, they were told they were free to go since they already had enough proof to do the rest. So they went to the dorms, but found out class 1A had come back from their shopping trip and saw everything.

"Todobro! What in the world happened?! Why are they taking Bakubro?!" Kirishima asked hysterically.

Todoroki sighed, ever since he had learned the truth, he was pissed off to see anything related to Bakugou. The whole class started to ask countless questions, it was so loud they were giving the duo a little headache.

"Please guys, just leave us alone for a while. We'll explain everything later" Todoroki promised as he made his way to the dorms along with Midoriya.

They both entered the building and felt the peace and tranquility they needed after going through all that, they said goodbye to each other and separated into their rooms.

Izuku sat in his bed, he pondered about everything that happened that day. It was such a short time, yet so much stuff managed to happen. It was a strange feeling that invaded him, he didn't know what it was, but it felt amazing.

As if a giant stone had been rolled off his back after so many years of carrying it, he finally felt at peace. He also felt another rare feeling inside him, a certain warmth, calmness, and comfort at the same time. It was refreshing, it felt amazingly beautiful.

He has had this feeling before, it's first time being at the start of the school year, but he hasn't felt it so strongly in his life. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that he loved it.

He started to think about the person that had birthed the heavenly feeling, Todoroki. He was always by his side, even in his worst moments, it was something he truly appreciated.

While in his train of thought, he didn't notice he was unconsciously smiling, nor did he notice the slight blush that had aroused in his cheeks. He let himself fall gracefully on his bed in a star position as he felt himself drift off to sleep. His last thoughts were very blurry, but he knew what they were about.




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