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Izuku walked through the long and crowded hallways of UA, he could feel people's eyes staring at him and murmuring about what happened yesterday with him and Bakugou. It seems that the police sirens attracted the attention of someone who was probably known as a snitch, since in the laps of a bit less than 24 hours, everyone knew about the arrest of Katsuki Bakugou.

If he really tried, he could hear a bit of the silent conversations that people were having with each other, there were ones that tried to speculate what did the blonde boy do to deserve being taken away by the police. He heard many theories as he passed along each of them, one's said he beat up someone so bad they had to involve the police, others said he was caught sneaking into the principal's office so that he could get the test answers.

The last one was probably made up by people jealous of Bakugou's intelligence and searched for an excuse of their own lack of knowledge being faced by a knowledgeable person, or at least that's what Izuku thought. But for a moment, Izuku felt a strange feeling of guilt. Why was he admiring his assaulter? The person that slowly burned his whole world to pieces and turned it into a living hell, why was he complimenting him?

He began to dive into the bottom of the pool of his own mind and see a thick coat of ice grow at the surface, leaving him no way to escape the prison he had entered on his own. Maybe he was just overreacting, just like Bakugou had accused him of. Maybe he was making too big of a deal of something relatively small, and fooling everyone else into thinking the same way as him. After trying very hard, he was finally able to break the ice and free himself from his intrusive and corrupted mind.

Even after hearing all those crazy theories about what had happened, none of them was completely accurate. Some of them said that Bakugou had beaten him up and Todoroki defended him, which was partially true. But none of them knew what really happened, none of them knew that Bakugou had raped him.

While in his train of thoughts, his eyes spotted a sign that made his train stop and divert from the train tracks, the sign said: All Might's Office. He remembered why he was walking down the vast hallways and not going to his dorm to rest and do homework as he'd usually do, it was because he was requested by All Might to come to his office.

He stopped right in front of the average-looking door, he silently entered. Although whether he entered loudly or silently didn't actually matter, since All Might was already inside. He was seated in one of his green couches, his arms crossed and a grim expression on. There was another couch exactly like the one All Might was sitting on in front of the man, that was the couch that Midoriya proceeded to seat in.

"So... what did you call me here for, All Might...?" Izuku asked nervously, clearly sensing the tension in the air.

"It's about what was revealed yesterday," All Might replied, it made Izuku stiffen up and swallow hard. "As you may know, every teacher at UA was informed about you and Young Bakugou's situation. And if I had to give my complete honest opinion, I would say I'm very disappointed in you, Young Midoriya"

Izuku's eyes widened in confusion and slight guilt, "W-what...? I-I'm sorry but, I just couldn't defend myself..." Izuku said, shame filling him with every word he pronounced.

"And that is exactly why I'm disappointed, you couldn't do anything about it. Do you think I gave you this quirk so that you can let yourself be played with by anyone? Or are you a sex toy by any chance, huh? Because I didn't give my quirk to any sex toy out there! I gave it to someone that could defend himself and others, but I guess you're proving me wrong..." All Might spat, without any knowledge of how much these words would hurt Izuku.

The green-haired boy looked down in shame as the harshness of those words stung him like a thousand bees, it was truly devastating hearing such things from your idol and master. "I am not a toy..." he managed to mumble out, his tone clearly signaling he was hurt.

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