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Todoroki used his index finger to wipe away Izuku's tears that were slowing down, but never stopping.

He then used his hand to pull his secret crush's head towards his chest and into a hug, he started to play with his fluffy green hair as they both melted into the warmth of it.

"I'm sorry for what you had to go through, Midoriya. I promise you, I will make sure you never have to experience that ever again" Todoroki promised, his voice transmitting comfort to the crying boy.

"It's alright Todoroki... besides... I could've defended myself, but I didn't... I never did..." Izuku told him as memories from the past started to leak into his mind.

"No, Midoriya... He always had an upper hand, even if you're stronger than him...! He just made it seem like you couldn't do anything so that this could happen, he blinded you from the fact that you are stronger!" Todoroki explained his point of view that surprised Midoriya.

"Thank you, Todoroki... Thank you so much..." Izuku thanked, tears started to pour from his eyes once again.

But these tears were different from all the others he had previously poured. This one's weren't from sadness, fear, or anything he cried about in the past.

These ones were completely different, they were tears he had never cried before, they were tears of joy.

He couldn't believe this was happening, it was so unreal for him that someone would treat him so nicely. He had grown used to people treating him like miserable shit since everyone did it so frequently, so why would anyone try to break the cycle?

Although he couldn't quite understand Todoroki's actions towards him, he still found the comfort he had been desperately craving for all these years, and he still let his best friend's arms wrap around him and comfort him like no one else ever did.


The two teens walked back to the dorms after the comfort session on the rocky forest floor. It felt weird for both of them, since it was always Izuku who was comforting Todoroki, not the other way around.

Izuku clung to Todoroki's arm like a scared kid, he tried to bandage his wrist again since it had fallen off, but it didn't seem like it wanted to cooperate.

Todoroki led their way out of the rocky and bushy forest, he didn't mind Izuku's childish action, he actually found it very cute.

When they entered the dorms, they found Shinsou and Aizawa talking. The teacher seemed shocked by whatever the student was saying.

Both of the males with eye bags and coffee addictions spun their heads around as they heard the two teens enter the building, they soon all reunited at the common area.

"Midoriya! What happened?!" Aizawa asked his student, his voice filled with worry.

Before Izuku could ever respond to that (even though he didn't planned or wanted to), Todoroki responded for him.

"We will explain later, but first, can we go to the nurse's office?" Todoroki requested, making Izuku tense up a bit.

"Huh? Why would you want that? Is one of you hurt?!" Aizawa asked paranoidly, checking for any visible bruises, but finding none.

"I... ummmmmm... can we just go? You will find out when we get there" Todoroki insisted.

Aizawa sighed and then gave them permission but only if he was with them, a condition which they agreed on. He also dismissed Shinsou to his dorm, he didn't want to stress him out more than he already looked like he was.

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