Chapter 2

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It's been about a month since I started my vacation in Wakanda, Bucky and I have gotten pretty close, I was never this happy when I was with Steve or any other guy. Any conversation that we had, he never brought up Steve or even the avengers once, which was quite surprising. Most of the stories that he told me were war stories. I love listening to him talk, he could talk for hours and I'd listen to all of it. We were just talking and walking around the castle, well he was talking, then our conversation was interrupted due to the sound of a quinjet landing. We turned to face the sound and I saw a few familiar faces walk off the quinjet, Wanda, Vision, Nat, Bruce, Rhodey and the one face that I didn't want to see..Steve. I had a smile on my face when I looked at the rest of them but when my eyes landed on Steve, it quickly faded. Bucky noticed my mood change and looked towards the quinjet and saw the reason for my mood change. He took my hand, discreetly and squeezed it gently, also rubbing the top of it with his thumb. I pulled my hand away from Bucky's and walked towards Nat, Bruce, Wanda and Vision.
"Nat, how is everyone?" I asked her. She looked at me and saw that I was much healthier than I was before I came here, and I definitely looked different, not too different to not notice, but I looked different.
"Everyone is doing just fine, but how are you?" She replies.
"Honestly, I'm better than I was before I came here. You were right, I did need a vacation." I say to her, Steve overheard our conversation.
"Wait, you were on vacation? I thought you left because I cheated." He said. Nat glared at him.
"That's part of the reason why Nat had me go on vacation." I said. Wanda was inside with Vision and Shuri because they had to get the mind stone out of his head.
"Well, what are you guys even doing here?" I asked, turning back to Nat.
"There is this alien creature thing from space and is trying to erase half of the universe's population. Vision is injured so we brought him here, they just tried taking the mind stone but obviously Wanda, Steve and I didn't let them." She explains.
"Interesting." I say.
"Tony is with Peter and Dr. Stephen Strange in space, protecting the time sto-" She began to say before I cut her off.
"Wait, Spider-child is in space?!" I ask her. She nods.
"As I was saying, they're in space to protect the time stone." She says, finishing where I cut her off.
"We might need you out here to help us fight." Nat says.
"Of course, Nat. I never lost my skills, I in fact have gotten better, I've been doing some training with the Dora Milaje while I've been here." I say.
"Great." She smiles.


Were out in the field of Wakanda, fighting the black order which is the name of Thanos' army, while Wanda, Vision and Shuri were inside attempting to destroy the mind stone, but with a way where vision still lives. As we were fighting, Thor came down with a raccoon and a....Tree on his shoulders. Most of the time, I was either near Nat or Bucky, and if I was near Steve at any time of the fight, he kept trying to apologize but my pride refused to let me forgive him. He didn't deserve my forgiveness after all, he's the one who cheated. I tried to stay away from him as much as possible. These circular pointy things were about to hit us but a red power came from behind us and lifted them then went to the ground against some of the black order. I looked behind us to see Wanda. I smiled slightly at her before going back to fighting. Some time later, Wanda was on the ground in front of one of the black order members.
"You will die alone, as will he." The alien said. Nat, Okoye and I appeared behind the alien.
"She's not alone." The three of us said in unison. After a lot more fighting, We heard Sam over the coms.
"We've got a vision situation." Sam said.
"Someone get to Vision." Steve then said over the coms. Wanda then flew over to Vision. Thanos then showed up. We were now all heading over to where Wanda and Vision were at. I looked at Wanda, as she tried to convince Vision there was another way to beat Thanos, but in the End she gave in, starting to destroy the mind stone, tears rolling down her face. Thanos tried getting to them, but Wanda held him off, while still destroying the Mind stone. It broke and she fell to her knees, more tears falling down her cheeks.
"It's ok child, grieve." Thanos said to her, rubbing her head.
Suddenly a bright green light flashed through the forest; He used the time stone.
"No!" Wanda shouted, running towards Thanos, but getting knocked to the ground, unconscious.
Thanos ripped the mind stone out of Vision's head, Vision's body turning a dull grayish version of his normal one, and Thanos placed the stone in the gauntlet. But just as he was about to snap, Thor came in and put his ax to Thanos' chest.
"You should've gone for the head.." Thanos' muttered.
"I am inevitable." Thanos' said before snapping his fingers. Just seconds after that he teleported away. Wanda, the tree, whose name is Groot I guess, Steve and many other people started to turn into dust. Nat, me, Bucky and the raccoon named Rocket didn't turn to dust.
"Holy crap. What the hell." I mumbled.
"This is what he meant when he said that he wanted to destroy half of the universe's population.." Nat said. We all walked back towards the castle. Nat went towards the quinjet but she stopped and turned back towards me.
"So Delia and Bucky, do you want to come back to New York?" Nat asked me. I looked at him and he nodded at me.
"Yeah sure. I think I've been on vacation long enough." I say, she smiles.
"Go get your bag and I'll be out here." She says. I turn around and go inside the castle to go to my room that i've been staying in, Bucky following me. I grab my suitcase out of the closet and start putting my clothes in there while Bucky is just sitting on the bed. I look up at him.
"Bucky, I just wanted to say thank you. I haven't been happier than I have in this last month." I say. He just smiles at me.
"Of course, doll. I don't mind making a pretty girl like you happy." He says, the last part makes me blush a little. I finished packing the rest of my clothes. I grab my phone and my other small things on the nightstand. We then left the castle and back to the quinjet. We fly back to New York. I went to my room and immediately put my clothes away and jumped on my bed that I hadn't been on in a month. Nat took Bucky to one of the extra rooms then she came back to mine. She sat next to me on the bed. Rhodey, Rocket and Bruce went somewhere else, I didn't really pay attention to where they went. Thor went to new asgard and closed himself away.
"Do you like Bucky?" She asks me. I flip over and look up at her.
"What? I barely know him, Nat." I say. She rolls her eyes.
"Whatever." She sighs before getting up and leaving my room. I was tired from fighting so I went to sleep.

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