• Chapter Eleven •

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Aizawa clears his throat, "All right then, first—" I yelp, my quirk humming to life and writhing under my skin. Next to me, Bakugou jumps in alarm, grabbing my shoulder and growling my name in a mix of surprise and concern. There's a surge of energy followed by a sudden lack of energy, leaving me and my quirk reeling. Moments later, there's an energy that I haven't sensed for a number of years. Dark matter energy. I groan in pain, my quirk feeling disoriented by the surge of unfamiliar energy. It buzzes under my skin, confused about how to react.

"Gather together and don't move!" Aizawa orders, his voice firm and filled with an uncharacteristic amount of vivacity, "Thirteen, protect the students!" Everyone sits frozen in shock and fear. Bakugou's hand remains on my shoulder.

"What's that?" Kirishima mumbles. Moments later, I sense an aura, a chakra, that I could never forget. Even underneath the heavy blanket of dark energy, I can sense his aura from across the USJ. For a moment, I forget to breathe. Kirishima innocently asks a question that confirms why I felt so much dread, "Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started?" Kirishima, no. This. This is real.

Thirteen confirms what I already know to be true, ordering us not to move. I draw my attention back to the familiar aura, now most definitely belonging to him. Panic, rage, and disgust course through my body. What the hell is Tomura Shigaraki doing here?

Unable to control my body, my knees buckle underneath me. I was supposed to be safe at UA. They weren't supposed to find me here. Even my classmates voice similar feelings of disbelief.

How could this happen?

Yaoyorozu speaks up, "What about the trespasser sensors?"

"We have them, of course, but..." I already know. The sensors were disabled by that energy surge. Communications are probably down too.

Despite wanting to move, I'm rooted to the floor, too unsteady to stand. My classmates' panicked questions seem to float around me, making my mind spin faster.

They lied. I was supposed to be safe. Liar. Liar. Liar. 

I'm vaguely aware of the instructions given by my teachers. I'm vaguely aware of Kaminari and I being instructed to get past the quirk that disabled communication and the sensors. I'm vaguely aware of Aizawa charging into battle. But all these events appear fuzzy in my mind.

Tomura, liar, safe, dread, evil, protect.

"Oi! Idiot! Don't just sit there!" A rough voice shouts in my ear, gloved hands pull me to my feet and force me to run. Bakugou scolds me, "What the hell was that? You can't just fall to your knees and accept defeat." But as we run, I sense a manifestation of dark energy that stops me in my tracks.

I finally find my voice, "EVERYONE STOP!" My classmates stop just short of the sudden mass of dark energy, forming into the one and only Kurogiri. I stand still, feeling my hands shake.

"Nice to meet you." Kurogiri says in a haunting voice, "We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we invited ourselves into the home of heroes, UA High School. In order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath." Shit. This is very bad. In his chilling voice, Kurogiri continues, "I believe All Might should've been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play." I feel Kurogiri's warping power surge forward and I sprint to the front of the group, forcing his dark energy to a stop.

"Well, look who it is." Kurogiri practically purrs in satisfaction, "So you've run off to UA? What would your parents think, Kai? They've been worried sick."

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