• Chapter Twelve •

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Midoriya POV

I'm frozen in fear. Looking at that monster slamming Aizawa's battered body into the concrete. I want to do something. Next to me, Tsu and Mineta stand in shock, covering their mouths to suppress the screams we all have the urge to let out. What do we do?

The warping villain appears back next to the head villain with hands all over his body. The darkened mass speaks in a deep voice, "Tomura Shigaraki."

"Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?"

"I put Thirteen out of action..." The warping villain confirms. Next to me, Tsu shudders as our fear doubles. If both Aizawa and Thirteen are out of commission... The warping villain adds on, "But there were students that I was unable to disperse, one of them got away." We have a chance. Hopefully, help will arrive soon. I glance at Aizawa's mangled body. Let's hope they arrive in time.

"Huh?" The hand-covered villain starts scratching his neck erratically. For some reason, the action is deeply unsettling. His voice takes on an angry tone, "Kurogiri, you...If you weren't a warp gate, I would've crushed you to pieces."

"I thought I'd also inform you that Himiko Kai is also here. As a UA student."

"Kai?" The villain stops scratching his neck. How do they know Kai? Is she in danger? The villain slowly lowers his hands, his voice growing calmer, "We can't win against dozens of pros. And I—I can't win against her. It's game over." His shoulders slump slightly in defeat, "Let's go home."

"They're going home?" Mineta asks timidly, "Did he say they're going home?"

"That's what I heard..." Tsu mumbles.

Mineta begins crying, "Thank god! We're saved!" I hear a splash followed by the sounds of Mineta drowning, but Tsu calmly speaks.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Midoriya."

"I agree. For them to just retreat after going through all this trouble..." My mind spins.

Don't they want to kill All Might? If they leave now, UA will improve its security. 'Game over'? What's going on? What are they planning?

My thoughts are interrupted by the blue-haired villain speaking up, "Oh yeah, before we leave..." He turns slowly and my body fills with dread. His next words send a chill down my spine, "Let's destroy some of his pride as the Symbol of Peace!" He moves quickly, evil red eyes glinting from behind his hand mask. Images of Aizawa's arm crumbling—of Tsu crumbling to dust in the same way—flash through my mind. I–can't—move—fast—enough—

The villain's hand rests in front of Asui's face, her eyes wide in fear. The villain pauses, glancing over his shoulder, "Damn it. You really are cool...Eraser Head." From behind, Aizawa lifts his head from the pavement. Through tangled hair and blood, his eyes glow red. The muscular creature with the exposed brain slams our teacher back into the pavement, stopping the effects of his quirk. But it buys me just enough time. My body moves before I can think.

Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap! As I fly towards him, fear and adrenaline spike through my body. I've gotta save Asui and run away. A strangled cry that I barely recognize as my own exits my throat, "Let go of her!" I feel my quirk firing up. "...SMASH!" A strong wind gusts through the entire dome, clouding my vision with smoke and dust.

When the dust clears, I come across a shocking discovery.

My arm's not broken?! I was able to control my power, now, of all times. A feeling of ecstasy runs through me. I did it! I was able to get in a good smash—

A shadow hulks over me. Solid muscles, exposed brain, gaping maw pulled into a cruel smile, and soulless eyes. When did he— My fist rests against his stomach, the creature unaffected by my smash.

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