• Chapter Thirteen •

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Bakugou POV

There's a loud blast with a huge surge of bright light followed by smoke and dust everywhere. I hear that stupid nerd scream that stupid nickname, "Kacchan!" The smoke clears and I realize that I'm with the others. Stupid Deku looks at me with wide eyes, "You dodged? That's amazing!"

"What are you talking about, of course I didn't, idiot!" I lower my head at the realization.

I didn't...see anything...

Shitty hair raises his voice, "Then how—" We all turn to the cloud of smoke, surrounded by debris and a crumbling wall. There's two paths scraped into the concrete, like train tracks. The smoke clears to reveal a beat up All Might with his arms lifted in a block. Behind him is...

"Kai!" Kirishima yells. The girl is on her knees, but there's a soft, orangey glow that floats around her and All Might. She pants, blood trickling from the corners of her mouth and the back of her head. Her suit is torn in three different places. One place on the sleeve reveals a cluster of bruises that appear to span across her entire forearm.

She must've pushed me out of the way and used her quirk to protect herself and All Might. All Might looks like he took the worst of the hit, but she must've gotten rattled when he pushed her behind him. It was too quick for either of them to worry about hurting others in the process.

"Do you not know how to hold back?" All Might accuses.

"It was to rescue my companion." The blue-haired villain responds, pausing and glancing at Kai, "Though I never meant for her to get hurt. I had no choice. Earlier, that—that plain-looking boy, he tried to punch me with all of his power. Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable." The stupid villain sneers, "Isn't that right, hero?" The man lifts his arms, "You know what, All Might? I'm angry. I'm angry at this world that categorizes the same violent acts as heroic or villainous, deciding what's good and what's bad. Symbol of Peace?" The man laughs coldly, "You're just a device to repress violence. Violence only breeds violence. The world will understand this once we kill you!"

"That's preposterous." All Might counters, "The eyes of white-collar criminals like you burn silently. You lie, you just want to enjoy this for yourself, right?"

Stupid IcyHot starts strategizing, "It's three against six."

The nerd obnoxiously agrees with him, "Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness!"

Shitty hair also gets into a fight stance in agreement, "The guys are crazy. But if we back up All Might, we can push them back!" Before anyone has a chance to move, All Might himself steps forward.

"No!" He puts his arm up, "Run away."

IcyHot frowns, "You would've been in trouble if I hadn't shown up earlier."

"That was different, Young Todoroki. Thanks. But it's fine! Just watch as a pro gives it his all!"
"All Might, you're bleeding...Besides—time's—" All Might cuts all of us off, flashing a thumbs up. Wait, what about Kai? I turn to where Kai was behind All Might. Wait, where is she?

There's no time to look, the shitty hand bastard runs straight at us. Shitty hair activates his quirk, "Guess we're fighting, after all." But before the villain can even reach us, a small figure jumps between him and us.

"I'm sorry, Tenko." Kai murmurs, her hands starting to glow. All Might's attack on that Nomu thing lands at the same time as Kai's attack on the other villain. There's a bright, hot blast accompanied by strong winds. The blast knocks the villain that was facing us backwards. The blast threatens to knock all of us backwards, actually. Kai crumples to the ground, barely conscious.

I have to get to her before she's thrown across the damn arena. The blasting wind causes her to fly towards us. I reach up and grab her utility belt, pulling her close to me. Blood trickles from her mouth and head, and her breathing is uneven and weak. While All Might's attacks continue, one after another, we're forced to bow our heads against the unbelievable amount of wind.

In an attempt to shelter her as much as I can, I pull Kai close to my body, hunching my shoulders over her. Why did that idiot have to go and save me? All of the sudden, the girl lifts her arm and stretches out her fingers. We all gasp in shock as a bubble forms around our group, colored with a slightly orange hue. The tempestuous wind spins around us, but we remain untouched. Kai trembles from the effort, but her eyes glint in determination.

We all watch All Might's fight in awe. He's the number one hero, alright. It comes to an end when he sends that Nomu creature through the ceiling. The lights around the dome flicker and pop, causing Kai to flinch and release her shield.

We stand up slowly and shitty hair exclaims, "Isn't this like a comic book? It's like he nullified the shock absorption. His brute strength is crazy!"

I mumble, feeling breathless, "What insane power... Does that mean he attacked so fast he couldn't regenerate?"

In front of me, Kai stands up, only for her legs to buckle. We all gasp as she crumples to the ground, unconscious. I barely catch her and set her down, pulling my hands away from her in shock. She's burning up.

Facing off against the remaining villains, All Might prepares to finish the battle. He's got that handled. I crouch down, setting her head in my lap before rummaging through the various pouches on her belt. Shitshitshit.

"IcyHot." I put out a hand, refusing to look him in the eyes, "I need ice."

"Is she alright?"

"Just give me some damn ice." A small chunk of ice crystals lands on my palm and I use a torn strip of cloth from my suit alongside my quirk to melt the ice onto the cloth. I place the ice-water covered cloth on her forehead, trying to ignore the ongoing conflict behind me.

"Come on, idiot. Wake the hell up. Or I'll never forgive you for saving me."

After a moment, she quietly groans, "Oww. Everything hurts." She doesn't open her eyes but she smiles weakly, "We're gonna be fine, backup's arrived." My stupid classmates celebrate, feeling relieved. The idiot slowly opens her eyes, "I think we might have to take a raincheck on that dance session."

"Tch. No shit." I mutter. There's a rumble as the UA teachers start to attack. The main villain finally retreats with that stupid warp bastard. I dab at the bloodied gash on her head, "You need to get to a doctor. Can you walk?"

"I–I don't think so." Kai sighs slowly, "I spent all my stored energy in those last attacks. I'm running on empty. I don't think I can even lift my legs."

I slip an arm under her legs and my other arm under her shoulders, lifting her off the ground, "I guess your shitty quirk isn't as strong as everyone thinks."

"Every quirk has its limits." She murmurs quietly.

"If this many pros have gathered here, then they must've only attacked here, not at the school." IcyHot points out, he looks like he's about to say more but Shitty Hair runs over.

"Hey, we have orders to gather in front of the gate–" The red head glances at the girl in my arms, "You doing okay, Kai?"

She waves him off, "I'm fine." She says that, as if she doesn't have blood trickling from the cut on her head, bruises spanning down her forearm, and a spiking fever.

She's lying. She's not fine.

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