• Chapter Fourteen •

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I sit on the edge of an ambulance. A short distance away, a policeman counts off my classmates, "Other than the boy with serious leg injuries and your classmate recovering in the ambulance now, the rest of you seem unharmed." I realize he's doing a damage report.

We got lucky. No casualties and minimal injuries. Minus Aizawa and Thirteen.

I sense Bakugou approach me, confirmed by a hand carefully brushing aside my hair to inspect the bandage around my head. After a moment, he backs away, "Already fixed, nerd?"

I nod slowly, "They even gave me a highly-concentrated drink made specifically for people with energy quirks. I should have the energy to walk home."

"If your dumbass hadn't acted so irrationally in the first place, you wouldn't have to worry about that."

I purse my lips, "I didn't really have time to think. I just moved."

"Why the hell did you jump in front of me?"

I speak barely above a whisper, "I don't know."

The boy roughly grabs my wrist, peeling back the ripped edge of my suit, "And this? Where did all these damn bruises come from?"

"That was from earlier." I fidget with my wristlet, "When we went through the warp gate. My quirk overreacted because it was overstimulated from being surrounded by dark energy and ended up converting that dark energy into a physical manifestation that caused...these." I gently prod along my forearms, which are noticeably sensitive to the touch.

"Tch. You're an idiot."

"An idiot that saved your ass." I smirk, "If you wanted a knight in shining armor, you could've just said so."

"Shut the hell up." He growls, though he respectfully lowers his voice when an ambulance operator appears. The ambulance doctor does a final check up and clears me to ride on the bus back to school with the rest of the class. Before I stand up, he warns me to be careful and hands me another energy drink.

"Thank you." I say quietly. When I stand up, I sway on my feet, my body feeling wooden. My muscles ache, and I feel too tired to properly lift my feet.

"You're not going to fall over, are you, idiot?" A rough hand grabs my elbow to steady me.

"Shut up." I grit my teeth at my own weakness, "I'm fine. I'm just—tired." I sigh. This is such a mess. Policemen run around the crime scene, questioning my classmates and taping off the area. When the bus finally arrives, I'm eager to just go home and cuddle with Sora. Seeing as Aizawa has already gone to the hospital, Present Mic accompanies us on the bus. Even Present Mic is unusually quiet. My classmates were much chattier earlier, but we've all exhausted ourselves. I flop into my seat next to Bakugou, my muscles groaning.

"Tch. Pathetic."

I scoff, "You don't get to say anything. I can still beat you in a fight." The boy grumbles to himself before turning to look out the window. Leaning back into my seat, I realize how tired I truly was. My eyelids start drooping the moment my head meets the headrest.

Jiro POV

I was really worried about everyone, especially Kai. When Bakugou came up the stairs, carrying her barely conscious body, we were all scared. After getting cleaned up and taken care of by the ambulance workers, she looks much better. I can tell she's still tired, but we all are.

A lot of people fall asleep the moment they get into their bus seat. Kai does too. Her eyes flutter close and I can tell how exhausted my poor friend is. The brave face she'd been putting on relaxes in her sleep, making the dark circles under her eyes and the lack of color in her cheeks much more noticeable. Oh Kai.

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