A rare breed

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6am is the usual time to get up for school, but since it's summer break the usual time is now 12. I always thought that the only thing that I had in this world was my talent to play the electric guitar, but ever since I started stalking a group of skaters I've figured out that I'm also a darn good stalker. I started watching them ever since I saw them at the mall around 8 a couple of weeks ago. I have also noticed that they only skate at night, and that I haven't seen them at my school...ever! I'm going to watch them again tonight, and stay in the shadows. That's stalker rule number one!

"Alexandra! Lunch is ready!", mom called out to me from my room window. Dad was painting the house when mom handed him a huge plate of spaghetti. "Hurry or it'll get cold!" "Coming mom!"

, my voice broke when I yelled. We all decided to paint the house dark purple, but soon mom thought it was a house for the Adams Family.

It was finally nightfall, and I was ready. I had my camera, snacks, and blanket. I'm really serious when it comes to this stalking thing, cause if I ever get caught it's tickets galore for mom and dad. "Mom dad! I'm going out!"

As mom locked the door behind me she noticed the camera. "Why the memory keeper hun?" "It's for...the uh...BYE!" I usually run when mom asks me questions about my stalking problem, but she doesn't have a clue who I'm stalking. "Just be home before 11!", mom yelled after me. I stopped running when I was a few blocks away from the skate park and to my surprise the boys weren't there yet. "I guess I'll just have to wait.", I whispered to myself like a mother to a baby. I climbed up the sycamore tree where I could get a good view of the skaters.

I listened to the sounds of bugs as I sat assassin style in the sycamore tree, waiting for them. 30 minutes passed and there was still no sign of them. I soon grew tried ,and jumped down from my sycamore of solitude. As I jumped I miss stepped and ending up in the arms of numero uno. "What's a pretty girl like you doing in a skate park at nine thirty at night. And I don't see a board with you sssssssoooooooo-" he grabbed my hand and stared at my neck, " why are you here?" Fear had me by the throat and I couldn't find anything to say.

My heart was beating at supernova speed as he stared deeply at my neck. "Look why don't you just run along before the police have another missing person report they'll have to fill out." He smiled at me then finally looked me in the eyes.

Something came over me and I could do nothing but obey. The wind blew hard and almost sounded like the screams of burning souls roasting in Hell. "Y-yes...sir." With no control what so ever one foot started going in front of the other. "Hey Simon! Hold it for a sec, she's kind of cute. She may have some use to us." Gregory explained to Simon. "Yeah. And I am kind of hungry." Gregory grabs my shoulders and shoves me in front of Simon. Simon's eyes turned blood red, and his k-9 teeth grew longer and sharper. Scared out of my mind the spell I was under finally let me go, and I broke free of Gregory's grip. "Don't let her get away Greg!" Simon yelled as loud as he could.

"Don't you think that was kind of loud Simon. Plus that mortal girl can't escape Greg's speed." Seth motioned his hands as he explained to Simon. "I suppose you're right." Simon smirked.

"Usually as human beings you consider yourselves the hunter and not the prey, but in this case I'll be the lion and you can be the zebra." Greg smiled as he checked behind trees and benches. The wind blew and whispered against my left cheek. Crickets chirped and trees rustled as I hid for my life behind a dumpster.

"He must be toying with her if it's taking him this long." Seth said as he bit his nails. "That's a bad habit Seth. You should stop." Simon explained as he paced up an down the beginning of the restrooms. Seth roles his eyes and smiles.

My heart raced and my legs hurt. Even if he did find me I wouldn't be able to get up and run.

"Found you." Gregory said as he picked me up by the neck. "I would have found you sooner, but the smell of garbage threw off your sent." He licks my cheek and smirks. "If your flesh tastes like this then your blood must taste even better!" Gregory's voice was filled with excitement as he held my body on his shoulder. "Simon and I will enjoy sinking our teeth into your flesh, drinking every l last drop of blood in your body." Gregory rubbed his right hand up and down my butt. I was wearing tights, so I could feel his cold hand sending chills up and down my body causing me to blush.

"I can smell the girl. She and Greg are back." Seth sighed as he squinted his eyes. "Gosh. Finally I've been waiting for you for the longest!" Simon said as he noticed that greg had his hand on my butt. Simon gave Greg a look. "What? You know I can't resist a nice butt when I see one. Plus it's firm and round." Greg said while squeezing mildly on my backside. I gasped and blushed as he laughed. "I'm not your doll you can just play with!" "She speaks!" Greg said as he sat me down on the bench Seth was laying on. Quite roughly I might add.

"Seth Simon hold her down." They both obey and lay me down on the bench. Greg smiles wickedly and cracks his knuckles as I'm held down. "You look delicious when you're helpless." Greg licks my neck before sinking his fangs into it. Seth and Simon let go while Greg wrapped one arm around my back and the other hand squeezed my butt. I could hear him drinking my blood; it sounded like...like...my death.

"That's enough Gregory, save some for us." Simon said irritated. Gregory's eyes turned purple and he let go of me. The veins throughout his body pulsed and bulged. Purple mist came out of his mouth as he exhaled. "This feels amazing!" Greg exclaimed while licking the blood off of his lips.

"It's like electricity surging though my body!" Greg laughed and looked to Simon and Seth with his deep purple eyes. "What the heck is wrong with you Gregory?!" "There's nothing wrong with me at all in fact I feel powerful! " Greg punches the sycamore I stalk in, and it fell to the ground. "How loud must you be Gregory. Now the whole neighborhood knows were here." Gregory laughed and placed his left hand on his cheek. "This girl must be a descendant of the cross breed blood family."

What the heck were they talking about, and why am I still laying here with my neck bleeding? My legs feel heavy and so do my eye lids. Gregory must have drunk a lot of my blood if I can barely even move.

"That's impossible! All of the cross breeds died out do to greedy elders." Simon said as he sat down on the bench occupied by both Seth and me. "And plus cross breeds are just a fairy tale told to young vampires just so they can have good dreams." Simon said as he picked at his nails.

"If it's just a fairy tale then why are my eyes purple and my powers increased?" Gregory said while examining his hands. Simon stood there silent unable to find proof on why I wasn't a cross breed. "So what if she is a cross breed? We can't just give her to the elders, they'll hog her to themselves." Seth carefully said as he looked around for eves droppers. "You're right about that Seth, but where do we keep her?" Simon asked while looking for me. "For the love of the elders where the heck did she go!?" Gregory growled. "Split up she couldn't have gotten far."

"I'm one more block away from home!" I panted while running. "What the heck is a cross breed? And were those guys really vampires or were they just insane?!" I asked as blood dripped from my neck down on to the ground.

"Do you have her scent yet?" "Hey don't ask me. You're the one who let her get away Greg." Simon pointed out. "It's your fault too! Man if she gets away that'll really piss me off!" Greg said checking behind the same dumpster I once hid before.

Home at last! When approaching the front door I spot a letter pinned on the screen door, stating that mom and dad have gone out for a couple of days due to work, and that money for food and entertainment was in the jar above the fridge. "Leave it to mom and dad to go out when I need them most." Well at least those maniacs can't find me here. Our house was very remote, and the closest thing to it was a hospital and my school that was about thirty minutes away by car. I start patting my pockets for my key, "Dear God please don't tell me I've lost my key!" I pat my pockets frantically until I find it in my back left pocket. "Oh thank God I didn't drop it." While unlocking the door I flick on the front door light. I lock the door behind me and turn off the front door light.

"We lost her scent Gregory, but we do have this." Seth said while handing Greg my camera. "At least It's something. She probably has pictures of her home or someone she knows in it." Simon said while putting his hands in his pockets. Seth stood to the side and looked around, "We should get going, it looks like the sun is coming up soon." "Yeah don't worry Greg we'll find her tomorrow night, those pictures will practically hand her over to us." Simon reassured Gregory. "Give me a reason why I should trust in that theory?" Greg said as he turned and walked in the direction of which of his home was.

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