An evening with Gregory

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(Gregoy's narrating)

After the hunting trip I came home expecting to see Seth at the mansion, but Simon told me he hadn't come home. I checked our room, but he wasn't there either. I began to grow impatient as I looked all over for him. I even asked other vampires of his class if they'd seen him.

There was only one last person I could ask before I went to Alexandra's house. Victoria would know where he is, she's quite infatuated with him.

As I walked to her room, elder Norman walks past me. "Good evening Gregory. Oh there's something I like to ask you." Elder Norman said as he put both of his hands on my shoulders. "Do bring that girl you've been seeing over to the mansion. I'd love to meet her." Norman said as he licked his fangs. He pats my shoulder and walks away.

How did he know about her!? It was most likely his spies, I don't have time to worry about this right now I need to speak with Victoria.

Her door was unlocked and I opened it. She was sitting on her bed crying, and I took a seat next to her.

"Have you seen Seth anywhere?" I asked. She looked at me and shook her, "He didn't come to see me like he usually does.", she sobbed. I role my eyes and pat her shoulder. " I'll bring him back don't worry." I said before exting the room. There's only one place he could be...Alexandra's.

I had reached Alexandra's house. If Seth was here I didn't want him to know that I was. So I climbed up the vines connected to the walls of the house. I jumped over to her bedroom window and peeked through. I saw Seth laying in bed with my Alexandra! They were laughing and talking, and Seth lifted her hair from her neck. She started blushing as he kissed her neck.

I bare my fangs and hiss, "Seth you traitor." I whispered to myself.

Seth lowers his hand down at the border of her waist and butt. He goes lower placing his hand on her butt. She blushes and grabs his hand, removing it.

Ha Seth only I can get away with it! I jump down from the window and start to head back to the front door. I contain my anger and ring the doorbell. Alexandra opens the door and discomfort sweeps over her. "Good evening Alexandra. I hope you haven't been too lonely." I grab her hand and kiss it. From the corner of my eye I could see someone skating off.

"May I come in?" I asked. She nodded and stared at me as I came in. We went up stairs and sat on her bed.

"Have you decided?" I asked. She looked at me and frowned, "I can't believe you would even ask me that! First you try to kill me, then you come into my room kiss me and drink from me! Why the heck would I want to be with you!?" she screamed.

I sit there smiling. " I was afraid it would have to come to this." I grab her arms and pin her to the wall. She stares deep in my eyes trying to hurt me with the firey anger in them. I smile, "'re deeply in love with me. The very mention of my name sends your heart a flutter. You'd do anything for me, and you plan to be my bride." I could see the fire in her eyes die out and turn into a glittery swoon. I loosen my grip on her and she stares at me with passion.

"Good. Now that wasn't too hard now was it." I said setting her on the bed. "You're tired. Go to bed." She laid her head on her pillow and went straight to sleep.

While exting her house I ball my fist and growl, "Seth, it's time for you to be punished."

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