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(Seth's narrating )

My cheek, neck, and chest set ablaze as the sun shined down on my body. It's UV rays over powered me, causing me to fall the ground. The rest of my exposed skin joined in a burning frenzy. I soon hear rushing foot steps approach the door and close it.

"Seth! Seth are you okay!?" Alexandra asked me in a panicking tone. I was too weak to answer; all I could do was moan in agonizing pain. The sun spilled through every window in the house, leaving no area of shade. I laid there burning to death on her carpet. It was extremely comfortable; it probably would've been more comfortable if I wasn't burning to death. My skin started to turn into ash, exposing my skeletal hand.

"Don't worry Seth I got ya!" Alexandra yelled as she laid on top of me burning her chest in the process. She covered us both in a thick black and silky cover. The flames died out slowly, and I could hear Alexandra grunting, she must have gotten burned tring to save me. Still I was too weak to do anything but pass out.

I had no idea what time it was but I didn't care. For Alexandra's warm body comforted me and my wounds. She was sound asleep, I could hear her heart beating and her blood rushing. I enjoyed this sound very much. "Kiss me." whispered Alexandra. I blush madly, "Alexandra?" She didn't answer back so I guess she must have been talking in her sleep.

Still blushing I lift the cover a bit to see if the sun had gone down. The sun had been gone for over three hours, and I was starting to get thirsty. Alexandra opened her eyes and lifted her head off my chest.

"Sorry I fell asleep." she said in an innocent voice. That voice made her seem so...cute. My cheeks grow hot and I turn away and nod. She still looked tired as she sat up.

My body was burned badly and I needed blood fast or the effects of the sun would be permanent. "Thank you for saving my life." I said kissing her forehead. She blushed and nodded.

Trying my best to stand I use the stair railing to assist me. As I head to the door Alexandra grabs my skeletal hand. "...Please, if you're gonna drink from somebody... just drink from me!" she said with a concerned look plastered on her face. I stood there shocked, but my legs grew weak and I leaned forward unto (Dawn Lol XD) Alexandra. She caught me, but fell against the wall. "Drink from me Seth... it's fine."

My eyes flashed red and my fangs reached out, but then retracted back in place. It's been a long time since I've fed from a living person. What if I can't stop myself and end up killing this girl I've fallen for.

"Alex I..I can't. What if I loose control?" I said unsure of myself. "Gregory would never forgive me." "Screw Gregory!" she said in a firm voice.

"Do it before I change my mind!" she exclaimed.

My eyes turn blood red and my fangs grow freely. I pin her arms to the wall and lick her neck twice before slowly sinking my teeth into her flesh. An amazing blast of flavor dances on my taste buds, and I squeeze her wrists tighter, so tight to where I hear her grunt in discomfort.

This taste is...delightful! I bite down harder, and she winces. By this time my pupils get smaller, and at that moment I know I've lost control. Again I bite harder and she shouts shortly then starts crying out.

"Stop! Stop it, it hurts!" cried Alexandra. But I didn't listen, even if I tired the monster in me wouldn't allow me to release her.

Alexandra slowly starts to slip into unconsciousness as I feed on her. Still unwilling to let go I pull myself away. I drank for so long that I hardly noticed that my skin had returned and my wounds were completely healed.

Alexandra laid on the carpet unconscious. She had saved my life today and this is how I repaid her. I wiped my mouth and picked her up carrying her to her room. My eyes were a glowing purple, just as Gregoy's when he drank from her for the first time.

" I'm truly sorry Alexandra." I whispered after laying her in bed.

Gregory is going to kill me.

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