Another taste

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It was finally sunrise. I had stayed up all night with a knife in my hand waiting to see if those wacko skaters had followed me home. It was fear that kept me up...and coffee. With mom and dad gone I have the whole house to myself, but there is that one little chance that those boys will find me. Oh please what am I talking about, the only way they'd find me is if I'd left my phone or something, and that's on my dresser. "They were probably just high or tripping off of acid.", I assumed. "I should just get my mind off of it." I looked around for my guitar pick and guitar. "I usually keep it with my camera stuff." Oh no my camera! I left it at the skate park; I have to go back! Wait I can't go back, it was to dark to see what those three boys looked like, so if they spot me I wouldn't be able to recognize them! Well thats just a chance I'll have to take.

I lock both doors and put the house key under the welcome mat, just in case they're were there, but it's morning time and they only skate at night, so I should be safe.

As I walked I made sure to be aware of all my surroundings. At least the sidewalks were crowded with families or women jogging, so if I did get jumped one of them would at least try to help me. "So far so good." I whispered to myself as I approached the entrance to the park. The sounds of rolling wheels filled the air, and the sounds of failed tricks. "You totally ate concrete!" one group of boys teased. I had finally reached the old sycamore that had been punched down by...Gregory! That was his name, the pervert who had his hand all over my butt. Now if I can just remember the other two and their names.

I searched for my camera for hours, barely checking the time. Before I realized it the time was 7:49pm, and I had at least 10 mins of sunlight left. "Oh crap! How long have I been here?!" Skaters were already leaving, and the late nights were starting to role in. "They could step through those gates at any moment!" Well at least I was wearing a trench coat, scarf, and shades. Im pretty sure I looked like a guy, especially since I was wearing my dad's Dodgers cap which hid my hair nicely.

As I exited the gates of the park I spotted a group of teens about to enter the gates. "Night time is for the real skaters!" I heard a feminine voice say. "Yeah to bad this is the only park that stays open at night, cause the other one has some pretty sick ramps." another stated.

I kept my head down and listened for three familiar voices. Still having to know where I was going I picked my head up. Terror shot through my heart as I looked up to see three male figures approaching me. Could the sun have gone down that fast? Fear clogged my thoughts, and I couldn't think straight. They were only two feet away and coming fast. What do I do? Do I cross the street, or would that be to obvious. Just keep walking and don't bring any attention to yourself. With my eyes glued to the ground a collision with the one in the middle was impossible to avoid. My head wouldn't allow me to lift it up.

"Oh sorry dude! I wasn't paying attention!" It sounded like the one named...Simon. Stupidly I look up and nod; if it wasn't for these glasses I'd be dead meat. Trying my best to sound masculine I deepen my voice, "No its fine." It didn't sound half as believable, but I least the voice could pass for a sick old man. Simon smiles at me and continues to walk. I noticed that Simon was carrying a board with him this time, or I just didn't see it last time.

"So Simon any leads on the cross breed from yesterday?" "No the camera proved useless, but I do have some ideas." Dear god they're the ones who took my camera! I should have known it was them from the start! "Wait you smell that?" Simon asked both Greg and Seth. "Yeah a group of mid-night snacks." Gregory said as he gripped his board tightly. I couldn't just stand by and let those other teens get devoured by a group of acid addicted skaters.

The group of skaters they planned to eat or should I say drink were already skating and enjoying each others company. "The night sky and my best buds, what else could a guy want?" one asked. The others sat on the bench next to the ramp. "Hey Jamie what's-" "A group of teens like you doing here in our spot?" Simon interrupted the girl siting on the bench. "Hey where did you guys come from? And who you callin' teen, you're the same age as us!" the boy skating exclaimed. Seth smirks, "We're much older than you think...kiddies." There was a moment of silence before Simon let his inner self take control. His laughter began as a soft chuckle until it grew into a maniacal giggle. His eyes turned blood reb; his k-9s grew longer and sharper. "What the!" the boy stopped skating. Seth sighs, "You guys should start running." Gregory smiles at the girl whos eyes are screaming I'm scared. Simon tackles the boy on the bench as the other three begin to sprint to the exit.

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