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(Seth's narrating )

As Greg left the dungeon and he locked the gate. Simon comes closer to me holding the tattoo pen. "Simon please don't do this." I pleaded while also trying to escape my chains.

Simon had chained me to a stone table. I was laying on my stomach and my arms were chained up over my head. Simon then rips my shirt off, "I would give you something to bite down on, but I couldn't care less."

Simon turns the tattoo pen on, "Seth prepare yourself." I close my eyes as he starts to sketch something on my bare back. "The pain you feel now is nothing compared to what comes next." Simon said as he finished whatever he was drawing on my back. He places his palm on my back and begins to recites something in Latin, "Uitiare sanguine. Imaon uersata."

A fiery pain slowly starts to become present, feeling as if it's eating away at my skin. The pain is so unbearable that my voice breaks as I scream. As the pain grows so does my screaming. "Yes scream! Scream Seth, no one will help you!" Simon's eyes turn blood red as he licks his fangs. He starts laughing and digs his hand deep into my back. This causes the tattoo of the cross on my back to glow red. My blood fills the drawing red. My veins show through my skin and I start to turn a decaying blue color, turning the blood on my back black. I start to cough up black liquid, and I start crying it as well. Simon pulls his hand out and and cleans his hand with a cloth from his pocket. "This is the punishment that Gregory picked for you. I still think it doesn't suit the degree of treachery though."

My eyes grow heavy and I fall unconscious. When I wake up the chains are gone, but the door is still closed. All of my wounds are still open, and my skin hasn't regained its normal color. With my face covered in dried black tears I begin analyzing the dungeon. The walls are made of cobblestone, and are covered in moss. The place is lightened by two torches and moonlight.

I cough up more of that black gunk and I spit it on the ground. "What...did he do to me?" I whispered.

The door opens and Gregory and Simon step inside. "Good evening Seth, you've been in here for two days. I bet your thirsty, and your wounds haven't closed due to that little punishment." he smirked. I squint my eyes, because the moonlight was too bright.

"I'll have you know that Alexandra has no memory of the time you two spent together." he said putting his hands together. I look down and ball my fists. "I didn't erase you completely from her memory, but I did add that you tried to kill her." he chuckled. Simon smirked as he threw a woman down the stairs. She landed right in front of me, and my eyes turned black and red. My mouth was dripping with saliva as I stared into her eyes. She was terrified and shaking.

I grabbed her shoulders tightly and bared my fangs. She screamed as I sank my fangs deep into her neck. I drank her dry, her skin starts to slowly turn the same color as mine. Her skin then rapidly starts to decay and her eyes turn black.

"This is your punishment Seth. Your fangs and blood have been tainted by the demon of decay. If you bite or turn anyone they immediately begin to decay."

I sit there shocked while looking at this woman's zombie-like appearance. My eyes fill up with black tears and I cough. "So if you even think about having another taste of Alex, you'll think twice." Gregory and Simon leave and lock the down behind them. "See you tomorrow...Seth."

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