Independence Day

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Gotham City
July 4, 12:00 EDT

Families were at a local park celebrating independence day. One family was enjoying there picnic when they heard screaming and saw everyone run. People in the park were suddenly frozen in ice.

Mr. Freeze appear with a freeze ray and stood over a family that was picnicking, "Enjoying family time?"

"My family has other plans," he froze them and slide down the ice.

When Mr. Freeze landed on the grass he was suddenly hit by a batarang.

"Batman," Freeze growled. "I was wondering when-"

He stopped mid sentence when he hear an ominous cackle echo around him. While he looked around for the source of the cackle, a young boy dressed in red, black and yellow dropped down from the sky. He landed on Mr. Freeze's dome shielding his face from the world, cracking the dome in the process, then pushed himself off and land crouched in the grass with a smirk on his face.

As the boy stood up he grabbed disks from his utility belt and threw them at the dome covering, cracking the glass more in the process.

"Oh," Mr. Freeze said from the ground. "The boy wonder. The bat sent you to drag me off to prison. Frankly I'm underwhelmed."

"Great, but I'm kinda in a hurry here!" The boy wonder shrugged off, clearly irritated.

"Kids," Freeze shook his head. "Always in such a rush."

"Not talking to you," Robin said in a sing song voice.

As realisation dawned Mr. Freeze's face, he turned around to see the bat falling towards him. Batman punched the glass dome breaking it in the process.

Star City
July 4, 09:01 PDT

On a bridge in Star City, Icicle Jr. made an appearance by creating a ramp of ice. Two cars couldn't stop in time and were vaulted off the ice, hitting other cars and landing on there sides.

Icicle Jr. cackled at his work when arrows were launched into the ice beside him, one also being lodged in his ice covered arm. Jr. saw the blinking ends of the arrows when they blew up in his face leaving him stumbling around.

Jr. looked to the top of the bridge where he saw Green Arrow and Speedy about to release more arrows in his direction. 

"Finally. I was wondering what a guy has to do for attention around here" he said as more ice grew on his arms. He then vaulted the ice at the two vigilantes who simply shot exploding arrows at the incoming ice.

Speedy then growled, "Jr. is just doing this for attention."

The vigilantes dodged more incoming ice and jumped onto the bridge cables running closer to Jr.

 Irritated and impatient Speedy claims, "I'm telling you, this little distraction better not interfere."

Icicle Jr. creates more ice in front of him to protect him from the incoming explosive arrows. Through the hole created in the ice, Jr. launches more ice at red and yellow vigilante.

The young vigilante simply rolled in the air to grab an arrow from his quiver, and shot an arrow at Jr. midair. The arrow hit Jr. in the face as he fell to the ground, now unconscious.

Standing over the icicle villain, Green Arrow chuckled, "Guess the kid had a glass jaw."

"Hilarious," Speedy sarcastically replied to his mentor. "Can we go? Todays the day."

Pearl Harbor
July 4, 06:02 HST

Huge battle ships were covered in ice as Killer Frost launched ice at Aquaman. Aquaman got hit and was covered in ice. His protégé, Aqualad, came from behind his and charged the ice villainess as Aquaman used his strength to brake from the ice.

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