Drop Zone

759 29 10

Caribbean Sea

July 22, 20:08 ECT

Batgirl's POV

The team and I sat silently on the bioship as we made our way to the destination of out first mission. "We're approaching Santa Prisca," Miss M told us all.

I think back to what Batman told us before we left...

Father was debriefing us for our first real mission as a team. He was telling us that the place we were heading to was a supply source to dangerous and illegal neurosteroids. A strength enhancement drug that goes under the name 'Venom'.

We all gave Batman our undivided attention. Well, all besides Wally. He was 'multitasking', while eating a bag of chips during the debrief.

We were told that the Venom was mysteriously cut off.

"That's where this team comes in," Batman said. "This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will."

Turning back to the screen, Batman continues to explain the plan for us as a map appears on the holoscreens. "The plan requires two drop zones."

"So who's in charge?" My brother inquiries.

Batman and Tornado share a look before he says, "Work that out between you."

"Drop zone A, in 30." Miss M broke us out of our thoughts.

Aqualad stood from his seat as his chair morphed back into the floor. He hit the emblem on his belt, activating stealth mode in the process. I watched as his red shirt became grey, making it it easier for him to hide in the darkness.

"Putting bioship in camouflage mode," Miss Martian informed us as we got nearer to Santa Prisca.

The floor of the bioship opened, and with the aircraft still moving, Aqualad dove head first into the waters below.

A few minutes later, Aqualad's voice spoke in the coms in our ears. He told us he patched the heat and motion sensors. And we were to move closer into the island.

Once reaching Drop zone B, we all rose from our seats. Like Aqualads before, the chair and the control console melted into the floor. Attachment lines then descended from the ceiling so we wouldn't hurt ourselves on the way to the ground.

Kid Flash pressed the lightening bolt on his chest, the stealth mode turning the yellow suit into grey and black.

"How cool is this?" Kid Flash looked at me with a smirk.

Both Robin and I rolled our eyes at our friends behavior.

"Yeah, cool." I said while hooking the line to my utility belt, barely sparing the boy a glance.

"Very impressive," Miss M softly smiled at Kid Flash. Her suit transformed from blue boots to boots and black leggings, white shirt turned black. The only thing that remained was her blue cloak around her neck.

"Now that...was cool." I smiled at Miss M, before giving Kid Flash a teasing look.

The boy just shrugged, "That's fair." He then turned to Superboy, "Hey Supey, not too late to put on the new stealth tech."

"No capes, no tights." Superboy stated, crossing his arms before looking at me, "No offense."

I just shrugged my shoulders at my fellow clone, "Eh. None taken."

"It totally works for you..." Miss Martian said dreamily, before she realized she said that out loud. "In that you can totally do good work in those clothes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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