Who are you?

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Gotham City
July 5th, 02:39 EDT

A few hours after the Justice League found the kids at Cadmus

Batman 02

Robin B01

Batgirl B05

The three names were announced as they entered the Batcave through the zeta tubes.

Batman walked over to the Batcomputer to write a quick debrief of what had happened that night before he turned to the two children.

He sighed before he pulled his cowl off his face the reveal black hair and blue eyes.

"Batgirl if you're going to be living here we might as well reveal our identities. I'm Bruce Wayne," the now de-cowled Batman said.

Robin gently pulled off his mask while looking at his new sister, "And I'm his ward. Richard- but I prefer to go by Dick, Grayson."

"And might who this young lady be?" A voice asked, making Robin and Batgirl jump.

Batgirl prepared for a fight while Robin relaxed at the sight of the older man appearing from the shadows. He had a mustache and wore a tuxedo, holding himself with an air of confidence. He showed no sign of fear when he saw Batgirl raise her fists.

"Who are you?!" Batgirl asked the mysterious newcomer.

"It's okay," Robin placed a hand on Batgirls shoulder. "This is the butler and grandfather figure in the manor."

"Thank you, Master Dick." He eyed the ripped up Robin uniform and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Entertaining night I presume?"

Dick chuckled, "Sorry Alfred."

Bruce stood up and walked over to Batgirl to put a hand on her shoulder, making her tense before allowing herself to relax at his touch. "Alfred, this is Batgirl. She is a clone from Cadmus made from my DNA."

Alfred merely gave the young girl a small smile and asked, "I'm guessing she is going to be a new addition the manor?" 

"That's right, Alfie." Dick said with a laugh.

Looking at the newest member of the family Alfred asked, "Well, Mistress Batgirl, is there a name you wish to be called other than Batgirl?"

"I-I don't have a name...The only name I was given was Batgirl." Everyone gave the girl a sad smile before she asked, "Do any of you have any name ideas?"

"I have always loved the name Angelica. If you don't like the name we can always think of something else," Bruce said.

"Angelica," Batgirl contemplated. "It's a beautiful name. I love it."

Bruce felt a smile spread on his face, "Well, Angelica, we should probably show you around your knew home."

"Wait, B" Dick intervened. "Before we go upstairs, maybe we should also order her some new clothes or something?"

"Don't worry," Bruce said. "I was going to ask Alfred to take Angelica out shopping tomorrow anyway."

"Oh, okay." Batgirl said.

Batgirl then realized something, "Huh, I just realized I've seen my face without a mask."

"Well we have a mirror the changing room in the cave if you want to see," Bruce pointed in the direction of the changing rooms.

"Thank you."

Batgirl walked towards the changing room when she found the mirror. From what she could tell with the mask still on her face; she could tell she had slightly tanned skin, heart shaped lips, and a slim hourglass frame. She could also see hair long-black hair that reached her elbows.

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