Chapter 10: A Real Ending

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"We're debuting soon. We're debuting-" Yujin repeated happily as Gyuvin smacked him. "We know Yujin ah," Jiwoong smiled as they looked at themselves for the music video shots.

They were on set as everyone was preparing for their debut. Jiwoong avoided looking to this left as Taerae nudged him. "Look hyung, they're at it again," He whispered as Jiwoong groaned. "On your left incase you were feeling particularly like a masochist," Ricky said calmly as everyone winced as his wording.

Matthew and Hanbin were talking to the director, deciding which takes would look better. Well, more like Matthew was doing all the talking and Hanbin was just staring at him with gentle eyes, his hands on his waist.

"They're so down bad," Gunwook mumbled sadly as Gyuvin chuckled "you think I can get Matthew hyung back?"

He bumbled over to them as he threw his hands over Matthew's shoulder and non discreetly pulled Hanbin's hand away from his waist. "Matthew hyung!" He exclaimed as Matthew brightened up. Gyuvin slowly dragged him away from their pouting leader as Matthew smiled.

"Ah, hyung's so cute I have to let go!" Gyuvin sighed as he let go of Matthew, having completed his quest of bringing them back. Each of the members surrounded Matthew as they bombarded him.

"Matthew ah, do you think I look better in black or white?" Zhang Hao asked as Matthew tilted his head. "Mm, Hao hyung looks good in everything!" He exclaimed as Zhang hao groaned at his non specific answer.

"Say Matthew hyung, do you like my blonde hair?" Ricky asked as he leaned down. Matthew giggled and took that as an initiative to stroke it as Matthew opened his mouth in wonder. "Wow Ricky ah, blonde hair really suits you doesn't it!"

"We're sneaking in to steal Ricky's bleach tonight," Taerae whispered to Gunwook as they both evilly smirked.

Matthew laughed at all their antics, his heart feeling full. He's had the best weeks of his life, spending time with his members and doing what he loved. They had gone camping together, and filmed a reality tv show, where Matthew felt himself getting closer to everyone.

He found it particularly hilarious that he still had to do part time jobs, but luckily, everyone was there to keep him happy and energetic.

And now Zerobaseone was finally preparing for their debut. To say Matthew was excited was an understatement, however, without seeing anything from the book in such a long time, Matthew felt an itchy feeling in the back of his mind. Like something was going to happen. Soon.

"My Seokmae, my pretty pretty Matthew," A voice whispered in his ear as strong arms wrapped around him. "Hanbin hyung!" Matthew squealed as Hanbin leant his head on Matthew's shoulder and complained "my boyfriend is too cute, what am I going to do?"

Everyone looked horrified as Yujin muttered "oh my gosh, they're terrifying!" Gunwook didn't take any chances and just ran up to Matthew and Hanbin, clinging onto both of them as he glared at Hanbin. "Hyung. Share." He grumbled as Hanbin laughed heartily.

"I wanna hug too!" Gyuvin exclaimed as he ran up them and squashed the three of them. They slowly got bigger as Zhang Hao rolled his eyes, "gotta join in on the fun."

Jiwoong wrapped his arms around Hanbin as he squeezed extra hard, causing their leader to yelp. "Hanbin ah, remember to treat Matthew well or else you know what'll happen" he whispered as Zhang hao made a neck slicing motion.

Hanbin laughed nervously as Ricky mumbled, "they're serious hyung. And remember what I used to be," Ricky smirked as he held up a gun motion. "Ricky can make you go splat hyung," Yujin laughed as Hanbin grew increasingly worried for his safety.

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