Chapter 81

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Natasha's tears continued to flow uncontrollably, and Alex held his tightly, repeatedly saying, "I love you." He was deeply concerned about Natasha's well-being, and he couldn't bear to see his in such distress. He knew that he didn't deserve to go through this ordeal, and he felt the weight of the responsibility to protect and support him.

As Natasha's sobs subsided, Alex cautiously attempted to approach him again. However, Natasha resisted, pushing him away and expressing his feelings of unworthiness "Please don't. I'm a dirty.... Please leave me. I don't deserve you...."he pleaded, tears still streaming down his face. "Please, don't touch me," he added, clearly overwhelmed by his emotions.

Alex shook his head gently and moved closer, sitting beside him. "You're not dirty. You're safe now. No one will hurt you anymore," he reassured him, his arms enveloping him in a comforting embrace. He understood that Natasha needed time and space to process everything, but he wasn't going to leave his side. He wanted to show him that he was there for him, no matter what.

"I won't leave you, Natasha. I'll stay with you through all of this," Alex whispered, his voice filled with love and determination. "We'll get through this together. You're not alone in this journey. I promise."

Natasha clung to Alex, finding solace in his presence and his words. Slowly, he began to feel a glimmer of hope, knowing that he had someone who genuinely cared for him and would stand by his side. It was a long road ahead, but with Alex's unwavering support, Natasha started to believe that he could face the challenges and heal from the past.

In that moment, as they held each other, a sense of strength and unity enveloped them. Their love would be the anchor that would help them navigate through the darkest of times and bring them towards a brighter future together.

"I know everything, Natasha," Alex began, his voice filled with a mix of remorse and determination. "And it's my fault. I was careless as your husband back then. I let my emotions get the best of me. Because of that we lost a child. None of what happened was your fault. And now that we have been given another chance, I will fix everything."

"It's so impossible of things that will happen but nothing is impossible."

Natasha remained silent, his tears still streaming down his face, but his eyes locked with Alex's, silently urging him to continue. Alex took a deep breath, his hand gently resting on Natasha's flat belly.
Natasha listened intently, his grip tightening on Alex's hand, seeking solace and reassurance in his words.

"I promise you, Natasha," Alex continued, his voice filled with sincerity. "I will be there for you every step of the way. I will protect you, support you, and love you unconditionally. We will face this journey together, and I will do everything in my power to make things right, to make sure you and our baby are safe and happy."

As Alex spoke, Natasha's tears continued to flow, but a glimmer of hope and acceptance started to shine through her pain. He knew deep inside that he was not alone anymore, that Alex was committed to being the partner he deserved, and that their unborn child was a symbol of their renewed love and the chance for a brighter future.

Alex gently wiped away Natasha's tears, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and determination. He leaned in closer, their foreheads touching, and whispered, "I love you, Natasha. And I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

In that tender moment, as their hands remained intertwined on Natasha's belly, a sense of healing and reconciliation began to take root. They knew there were challenges ahead, but with their love and unwavering commitment to each other, they believed they could overcome anything that came their way.

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