Chapter 12

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I woke up feeling fresh today is the day we go back to New York . I got up and got dressed . I wore a high low dress the top was black and the bottom was like a aqua blue color I paired it with tan colored heels and curled my hair , put it in a high pony . I put on my makeup which consisted of everything from foundation to lipgloss , a bit of perfume and I was ready .

" Kendall baby girl wake up its time to go " I soothingly woke her up ,she was very smart for her age so she knew how to dress herself I put her cloths on the bed and left as she got dressed .

" Damn Tori those stupid heels of yours woke me up " Ari snarled down the hall .

" Where leaving anyways so hurry up " I rushed her .

She looked panicked and she ran back in her room to get ready .

We boarded the plane as I remember the last time I did Ari and Kendall fell asleep while I worked on my laptop .

When we got off our plane my this boy helped us take our bags considering I wasn't a light packer . We walked out side to see a black range rover parked waiting for us ahh this is the one I bought for the time that where here it had tinted windows just how I like them .

Once Kendall was buckled in her car seat and Ari had her seat belt on like her life depended on it maybe it did a little .

I sped off not minding speed limits as Ari yelled at me to stop or slow down I just turned up the radio which happened to be One Direction which I love . I started to slow down as we where now going into the woods to see the pack house . Then It came into view and I smirked .


" Alpha a black range rover with tinted windows is approaching the house " my beta Mason told me .

Mason , Amanda , and I walked out into the porch just in time to see the truck pull up .


As I pull up I see Ari getting excited hum wonder why then I see Hayden Amanda and Mason awaiting my arrival . I parked and told Ari to get off first as she did I saw her make eye contact with Mason guess they're mates haha another shocker on the way I told Kendall to get off and she did . Mason was still in lala land with Ari but Amanda and Hayden kept there gazes in between the truck and Kendall . Smirking I opened the door and stepped out to look them straight in the eyes . Hayden stood there looking dumbfounded and Amanda stared at me up and down .

" Mommy " Kendall's small body ran to me and I placed her on my hip . Hayden looked as mad as hell but why the fuck should I care then I noticed Amanda was pregnant . Surprisingly I wasn't mad at all I just stood there grinning .

" Remember me , no well I'm Victoria love nice to meet you " I said approaching them . Just then Jake , Ryan and Eva decided to arrive I forgot they had to catch a plane later because Jake and Ryan had to attend a meeting but sure enough out of the mustang came Jake Ryan and Eva . Before Hayden could reply Jake was hugging me .

" How's it going "Jjake whispered in my ear with Kendall still at my hip .

" There still processing it " I chuckled back .

He let go and Hayden looked ready to murder I kept my grin on and Amanda was trying to calm him but failing to who the hell dose she think she is hello only me myself and I can calm Hayden .

" I see its going ok well I'm sorry I have to return I just didn't want anything to happen to you or Kendall bye Ryan and Eva have to as we'll " Jake muttered as he walked to the car .

" Bye " I hollered .

" Bye Uncle Jake " Kendall mimicked me they all waved bye and then sped off hum seems like I rubbed off on Jake .

I turned back around to face Hayden Amanda and Mason which was now hugging Ari in a tight embrace I smiled at her and winked she blushed . I was interrupted by someone .

" Your back bitch I thought you died " oh look Amanda decided to Speak .

" Well now you see I'm still alive and I see you forgot to use protection again what is this the 3rd baby you've made " I retorted .

" Mommy I'm hungry " Kendall decided to join .

" Come on let's go get something " I told her and left Amanda and Hayden on the porch .

I was making Kendall a pb sandwich when Hayden walked in .

" Who is she " he asked .

" My daughter " I simply answered .

" Who's the father " he questioned .

" Well we're playing 20 questions now are we " I grinned handing Kendall a juice .

" This isn't a game Victoria , who is she and who's the father " he angrily spat .

" She's Kendall Rosanne love my daughter and the father is ......... not here at the moment leave a message after the beeeeeeep , come on baby gurl let's go unpack " I chuckled and Kendall giggled as we ran back to the truck to take out our suit cases . Yeah I could run in heels not surprising I gave birth at 17 and now I'm a single mom at 20 I'm also the owner of a very successful makeup company .


I watched as one young girl got off the truck , then about a 3 year old followed out of the car now I was very confused . Then someone I never expected to see came out of the car ................. Victoria she looked stunning so mature . As she looked our way and smirked the toddler said mommy and ran over to Victoria ? She had a daughter , just then I realized that Mason had found his mate and they where starring at each other lovingly . We stared at each other a long time then a man arrived and hugged her I'm sure I didn't look very happy . Just as fast as he came he left and we were again staring at each other but then Amanda decided to speak .

" Your back bitch I thought you died " Amanda spoke .

" Well now you see I'm still alive and I see you forgot to use protection again what is this the 3rd baby you've made " Victoria growled .

Just then the toddler said something and Victoria took her inside I ordered Amanda to stay in the living room while I went into kitchen to talk to Victoria . After I asked some questions and she refused to answer them she ran out of the house chuckling and the toddler named Kendall giggling . What the hell ?

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