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"Could you lower your tone?who are you so suddenly? Im leaving thats why i did that so it could be the last thing i could be doing...and yes for entertainment i dont know about "last " but alright son im leaving to italy"

"Oh i could scream right elvira did you hear that ? My father finally found his maturity hes leaving to italy!"

He shakes his head as he takes his eyes off me and falls into the couch unbothered .

"Mother have you packed."

He says as he pinches the bridge of his nose and shuts his eyes

"Not yet son ."

Poor women is so confused. She has no control over what that man does and ehat he does to her son. I want to help her pack and nagbe talk to her more while i do.

I stand up and follow his mother and as i walk a voice freezes me up. Not being able to move or turn but i turn ny head abit


Iglesias says as he looks at me with low eyes

I dont say anything what can i say? What do i have to say?

He sighs and nods and i follow his mother.

"Oh darling im so sorry for what happend this mor-"

"No its okay miss it was Iglesias who was in danger not me its okay.."

She nods

"So..how are you and him doing so far.."

"He was talking to me today..he seemed fine and relaxed..but then the shootings happend he waa worried sick."

"Oh . Its okay i know youbtwo will have a chance to talk sincr we are leaving now "

"Maybe. By the way what city in italy are you guys stabled?"

"Ha. Rome"

"I was too . In rome"

"Oh i know"
She looks up to me and smiles
"I know."

"How do you know ?"

She takes a tight shaky breath and sits down

"Your father..and verrati.."

"They knew eachother back then?!"

"Just . Act like i never told you im sorry "

"No miss its okay they knew eachother "

"Im sorry i cannot answer that i didnt mean too."

"Let me help you."

I help her put in her clothes and close the suit case. Is she hiding something from me why doesn't she want to me what is it? I helped her carry her suitcase in the living room and she thanked me. She tried so hard to change the subject by talking to about the rich materials from italy and hiw they are better than the ones from America. I agree.

I watch them as they take their suit cases into a car and they get their coats and they head out why are they not taling guns or weapons with them? I assume they have a twisted house filled with guns in rome then...

I am on the couch only 3 feet away from Iglesias in between us we have been sitting like this for an hour even though they left hes still here. With me i hear his breathes and the way his chest rises up when he takes a breath his fist pressed up in the side of his head and shuts his eyes . Opens them sighs looks around te room still nothing but its nit awkward or anything its calming in a way i never thought a silent room would be.

"Iglesias "

He looks suprised that i said something and turns his head to me and looks at me with no response just his light shade of jade green eyes and his heavy eyes and looks at me

Ruthless Sweetness (SELF PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now