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It's night now, me and Romeo had fun just laughing around and making jokes and he showed a lot of places in this base. The gun collection room is my favourite.

I open the door to Iglesias's room, barging in without thinking . He's standing tall getting off his watch as he places it on the counter and the same with his rings, he takes one ring off his finger one at a time

"Hey," he says as he still is focused on taking off his jewellery.

I freeze. All the stuff and terrible, gut-wrenching things that happened to him and why he hates my father, Flush all in me and my face goes blank and cold and my heart is pounding out of my chest.

"Are you still there?" He says with a light smile and he shoots me a little glance.

"Uhhh yes sorry Goodmorning-i mean hi."
I took a shaky breath

His chuckle fills the room
"Are you okay?" He says with a smile on his face and his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"Yes..I am fine " i nod and sit on the bed and looking at nothing just wondering if i should tell him that I know or not.
He takes off his blazer and places it on the headboard of the bed ,fixes his collar and sits next to me

"You look a little shaken up love, what's wrong?" His arms are laying in between his legs and looks at me . I should tell him maybe he can start trusting me more now
"I know " "Romeo told me everything..why do you hate my father what happened i know now" "Oh" "but it's okay you can trust me"
"It wasn't his story to tell but whatever "
"It kinda was his story.." "What!?" "He told me about Alexandra you know" he looking at his shoes now "i hate your father Elvira "
"I know" "So much" "i hate him too. And finding out what he did to you made me hate him even more " "You look really pretty tonight Elvira " my words left my mouth and my pupils definitely dilated in heart shapes ,his eyes are so low but full of emotion i can't work out and his pretty eyelashes and his pink lips.
"Whats the time?"
"3:06" "it's that late?" I say dragging a hand over my face as i shut my eyes close
"You should get some sleep Elvira " i smile at him if only you knew how tired i am
"You should too...you know?"
"Later " "no" his eyebrows rise at my disagreement "you need rest Iglesias you're working too much i don't know how you can handle it- " "shhh" he says placing a finger in front of my lips "I'll try to sleep tonight not need to murder me love"
"I was not gonna murder you-" "i'll go get ready, you know where are your stuff right?" I nod and he enters the bathroom and im left here alone. I walk over to my wardrobe ,open it , there's everything in here , every little thing that I need kinda surprised me. I look for a pair of pyjamas, light pink silk they are so pretty.


She's here, she came with a bright smile on her face and as soon as i noticed,her smile faded and her face turned into pure shock,i dont know if my appearance scared her off,or something else ,i don't know she looks terrified as shes tripping over her words as soon as i talked to her and i wanted to tell her to breathe and tell me what's wrong but she just went and sat down on the bed starring at nothing still wearing that shocked emotion , i go next to her just to find out that Romeo has told her everything, every little part and i don't know what to feel , to pull out Romeo's throat out or calm myself down and try my best not to scare off Elvira. I calm myself down. She knows everything now-well just one little part but its enough. Im exhausted. My eyelids are too heavy and i can't comincuate i haven't felt like this in a long long time ,im never tired ever. But today i don't know what's wrong with me it's difficult to breathe and im so stressed out my mind isn't thinking straight anymore,she wants me to sleep and i do but i still dont accept the fact that im tired. I took a shower and now im holding inot the sink for support as im looking nyself in the mirror and i notice my chest heaving up in a fast pace ,i shut my eyes close and whisper "stop"under my breath and take the towel and dry ny hair ,i put on a shirt and fix my hair with my hands and sigh ,take a deep shaky breath and head out back in my room and shes there. On the couch with a pillow under her head and a blanket over her and shes not sleeping , not at all shes looking at the floor and breathing slowly i dont like this why is she on the couch this is not acceptable my brows furrows and i shake ny head and my voice runs , i cross the room to get to her and she still didnt see me "we sre not gonna do this" she flinches of my un describe able loud voice ,i didnt meant to be this loud i just dont like seeing her do this "im sorry?" "No! Why are you doing there why aren't you there?" She looks awfully scared now
"Thats your bed. I don't wanna-" "elvira "
I kneel down to ny knees so i can reach her face "no. You're my fiance,i dont want you to do this just come with me i swear i dont bite " "you dont bite." At this laugh "no! I wont do anything to you I'll just let your sleep peacefully-if you dont sleep in the bed i wont sleep at all" "you are blackmailing me ." "Mhm heavily " she looks down takes a short breath and tilts her head back "only because you need sleep" she murmured so quietly i dont know how i picked that up "fine come on now put my pillow back mrs " she didnt quite get my joke and her face isnt...smiling
"Im just joking love come on up" i help her up and grab the pillow and put it back on the bed and she climbs the bed and lays down ,i go in the other side and lay down nedt to her and i sigh as i do and stare uo the ceiling "you dont have to be like this the whole time " "how?" "Shooken up. about what romeo told you" "oh" "its okay alright? " she nods , theres a long silence between us for quite a while until her gentle voice fills the room "why are your eyes like that ?" "Hmm? Like what" i laugh at her and turn my head to face her ,her eyes are breathtaking. She sits up and looks at me laying down "low" "what did you do " she says with a curious look on her face and she leans over to my face taking a concentrated look to my eyes , shes so close . My chest tightens ,an strand of her hsir falls on my cheek "what do you think?"
"Woah.." i rise a eyebrow at her "no im sorry-" "shh what is it?" "Your eyes "she says in a rasp. "Whats wrong with them elvira?" "Too pretty. And low and .." i cant breath i need her to stop because the oxygen in my body flew away ,no one has ever told me what she did. Ever i think my heart is going to explode. "Elvira " im starring at her lips and my chest is heaving so hard that her arm thats resting on my chest for support, is moving along with my chest shes still looking at my eyes so deeply .. i need to control my self i cant do this right now im too exhausted thats the problem .

"Elvira "i say out of breath
She falls backwards on the pillow making her head bounce " its still 3 am im afraid"
"It wont be 3 am forever it might even be 4 am." "Do you hear that ?"she says as she looks on the window im suddenly alert and not tired anymore "What!??!" She sees my reaction and chuckles at my worriedness
"Gosh Iglesias the birds do you hear them?"
Relief floods through me and i calm down and drop my head back on the pillow and then-i do hear the birds they are si loud its so late "holy shit " "we need to sleep "
"i don't think i can sleep through that " she looks at me and laughs and seeing her laugh makes me laugh too "come here "
I find myself saying. Her eyes lit up in excitement and confusion "i told you before that i dont bite " she smiles and comes back next to me "let me turn of the light "
She comes next to me and turns to my direction "i can still see your eyes in the dark " she says as she giggles , i close ny eyes at the sound of her gentle voice and smile. "You must really like my eyes dont you" "i-uh i mean. They are pretty " "thank you" "those birds " "ckose your eyes and just try to sleep " she closes her eyes and i open my eyes and see her. shes beautiful.
I take off my shirt and throw it across the room she definitely didnt notice ,its too hot and i cannot bear sleeping with a shirt on
I need to sleep.



it too late,i remember falling asleep with Iglesias at 3 am . Now its way later and I've woken up only because of Iglesias. In the middle of the night he kept moving and suddenly jolted up and gasped loud enough to hear,i pretended to be asleep,he was breathing so hard and i heard him swear under his breath then he looked at me ti check if i woke up. I woke up but i couldnt let him know that. He was sweating, and shirtless i dont remember qhen he took his shirt off. He took the duvet of him and got up and walked o the balcony. He had a nightmare. I have to check on him ,he could be crying or stressing or even doing worse im somehow

I slowly get up and grab my robe and go in the balcony to find him holding into the balcony concrete for support, hes wearing nothing but his pants but not a shirt. And its freezing out here but he looks unbothered by it, the sun is almost up but uts still dark
I touch his back as i try to balance my shaking body from the cold ,i rub his back and his tense shoulder and get closer to him and hold his shoulder to me close. "Iglesias "
I pull him towards me to meet those beautiful eyes of his which are awfully red now. "Are you okay?" "Yea- go back to sleep elvira its too late" "you too please. I know you had a nightmare " "no" "yes." "I didnt a mafia bosses don't have nightmares ." "Don't be so hard on your self!" "Its okay to tell me you said it yourself to not be like that okay?" "Its just a nightmare. I havent had them ever since i stopped sleeping " "im sorry . I didnt know" "what are they about " "i dont want to talk about it" "its alright okay ?" "I need you to calm down and come back to bed okay?" He looks me deep in the eye as im holding his shoulder and he nods in a fast pace "oh Iglesias,going out in the cold while sweating can getbyou a fever come back in " "really?" "You never knew that?" "No" "well you learn something everyday, well night . Lets go" i take his hand and walk with him back in the room and slide the glass door closed .he stops to look at me "thank you" "huh?" "Thank you elvira for caring for me" i nodd at him and get into bed next to him "goodnight Iglesias " he smiles. I can feel him smile at me. Hes in so much pain. Hes been through so much and its true ,no one understands him but i do. I understand him too well. Gosh he was so nice this night. So nice. I wish he can be like this all the time. I watch him look at me and i look at him as his eyes fall and close and hes breathing slowly its cute. I really pray to god that hes always going to be like this with me

I pray. To God.

Pitch black but it feels so bright and so like heaven .

For the first time, im sleeping next to Iglesias derek hes my fiance after all

2190 words.
Iglesias mannn dont forget to vote i literally love all my angels reading this😪♥️

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