Shy Rin x Extroverted Miku💕

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Introverted x extroverted Rinku

I made this a long time ago but I'm just now publishing it...

Miku's girlfriend, Rin, has always been moody towards others. She is really shy and introverted, which causes her to hide away from a lot of people. She has a soft spot for Miku though. Miku gets to see the side of her that nobody has ever seen except for her family.

Lately, Miku has been begging her to go out on a date with her. But since Rin doesn't like people that much, she doesn't like to go out in public.

Miku was going to make her go on a date no matter what, even if it just wasn't in public and it was at Rin's house instead.

Miku woke up early and wanted to go to her house immediately. But knowing Rin, she probably stayed up all night playing video games and won't be awake yet. That didn't stop Miku though.

It was 6am on a Saturday and Miku was making her way to her girlfriend's house. Rin probably won't be pleased with being woken up so early but Miku didn't care. She kept walking towards her house until she made it to her front porch.

Miku knocked on the door and rang the doorbell.

After waiting a few moments the door swung open and she was greeted by Rin's twin brother, Len. She could tell he had just woken up by the way his hair was messier than usual and he had a tired expression.

"Ah, hi Miku. What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Len asked her with a yawn.

"I just wanna see your sister" Miku giggled.

Len paused for a moment and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "She's probably still asleep, she was up late playing Fortnite with me."

"I figured, you both need to get on a better sleep schedule!" Miku scolded in a joking manner.

"I know I know..." Len said sleepily, "you can wake her up if you want, I'm just gonna go back to sleep. Make yourself comfortable." Then Len walked back to his room and presumably went to sleep.

Miku took that as an opportunity to wake Rin up.
She walked until she reached Rin's room and swung open the door loudly.

"WAKEY WAKEY RINNY!!!" Miku yelled.

"AHH!" Rin woke up from the sudden intrusion and got started.

Miku laughed hysterically at her reaction.
"Sorry for waking you up! I just wanted to be with you!"

"Miku? What are you doing here?!" Rin asked, she was now fully awake and alert from being startled so badly.

"I wanna go on a date with you." Miku giggled, "but I know you don't like being in public so I've made different plans!"

"I'm really grateful you're here and that you want to hang out with me but, I'm so tired. Why'd you have to come so early in the morning?" Rin yawned.

"Cause I've planned something!" Miku announced and gave Rin a proud look.

"What...? At 6 in the morning?"

"Yes! We're going on a date in your living room!" Miku said.

"Uh... okay! But can I sleep some more first?" Rin said with a yawn.

"Yeah! How about I lay with you! This will be how our date starts!" Miku said as she sat down on the edge of Rin's bed.

"Yeah that'd be nice!" Rin says with a tired smile.

Miku lays down beside her. She got comfortable and stared at Rin for a moment.

"You're so pretty." Miku flirted and Rin blushed at the compliment.

"Wha?! You're prettier!" Rin flirted back.

"I love you so so much." Miku said while starting to play with Rin's short yellow hair.

Rin curls up to Miku and falls asleep quickly. Who knew a person could sleep as much as she did? Miku smiled at her when she noticed that she had fallen asleep. Soon after Miku fell asleep as well. The room was so peaceful and the lights were dim. The sound of Rin's soft breaths soothed her more. It just made her sleepy. Now the two of them were sleeping, what a great start to their date!

About an hour goes by before both of them get startled by a noise that wakes them up. It was Rin's dad, Kaito, in the living room. He was squealing like a little girl.

"Why is my dad such a child...?" Rin groans tiredly.

"What's he squealing about?"

Then they hear it, an ice cream truck in the distance.

"Oh... it's an ice cream truck. That explains it..." Rin said. She was clearly annoyed about being woken up by her immature father.

"Ice cream truck?!" Miku perks up, "let's go get something!"

"What? I'm too tiredddd" Rin whines.

"You can't stay in bed all day! Come on!" Miku starts pulling Rin off of the bed and out of her room.

They see Kaito staring out the window and the truck in awe. He then notices them and he turns around.

"Hey kids! Do you wanna get ice cream?" He asks with a hopeful smile. This was an excuse for him to get some for himself.

"Yup! We want some! Thank you for offering!" Miku answered for both her and Rin. Rin gave her a joking glare.

"Okay! Go get your brother, Rin! I'm sure he will want the minion popsicle." Kaito says as he points to Len's room.

Rin reluctantly drags her feet to her brother's room and asks him if he wants ice cream.

Miku hears him jump up out of his bed and he runs out of his room.

"Yup!!! I want ice cream!!! Let's go now!" Len said excitedly, it seemed as if he already had a sugar rush.

Kaito laughs and signals the kids to follow him outside to get the ice cream. He was so excited but he was trying not to act immature.

"Now let's not tell mom when she gets home from work that we got ice cream before lunch, okay?" Kaito says with a worried expression. Last time they had ice cream before dinner his wife, Meiko scolded him.

The twins nod in unison and then they all continue walking to the ice cream truck.

They arrive at the truck and the person working catches Miku's eye.

"Hey Rin!" She whispers, "that's the girl that's in our class!"

Rin immediately hides behind Miku.

"Huh? Why are you hiding?" Miku asks.

"Cause I know her in real life! It will be awkward to see her outside of school!" Rin whispers.

"It's even more awkward to hide behind someone, she can clearly see you!" Miku says with a laugh. Sometimes she felt bad for her girlfriend. Her social anxiety was so bad.

While all of this is going on, Len and Kaito are ordering their treats. Len got a minion popsicle and kaito got boring ol' vanilla ice cream.

"What do you want girls?" Kaito asked the two of them, Rin still hiding behind Miku.

"I want a strawberry cone." Miku says to her classmate that was working in the truck with a smile and a wave, "Rin, what do you want?"

Rin was freaking out, she was so worried about seeing her classmates outside of school.

"Uh- uhmmm..." Rin stuttered for a moment then whispered her order in Miku's ear, "can you ask for a Oreo flurry please?"

"Alright and can I get an Oreo Flurry?" She asked, ordering for Rin.

While the ice cream was being prepared, the four of them sat on a nearby bench and waited. Len already had his since it was just in a package.

When Kaito, Rin, and Miku's ice creams were done being made they all sat down and ate them.

"Can I call this a date even though we're with your brother and dad?" Miku whispers to Rin.

Rin giggles and responds with a nod.

Word count: 1298

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