Rin x Miku. The battle for Miku's love.💕

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This one was kinda hard to write because I ship both Rinku and Lenku. I swear I'll make a Lenku fic eventually to make up for this... also ignore how Len is referred to as a pervert. This was originally gonna be the Miku and Rin from plus boy getting together but I changed my mind.

Rin and Len are twins who are always arguing about stupid things. They can't ever seem to get along. Recently, they found out that they both have a crush on the same girl, Miku. After they found that out, they've been arguing more about why they deserve Miku more.
It was the morning before school and they were already arguing.

"She won't want an ugly boy that comes to school with messy hair and a rat tail!" Rin yells at him.

"Rat tail?" Len touches his ponytail.

"Yeah, your gross rat tail. I'm also certain that Miku doesn't like perverts." Rin adds.

"I'm not a pervert!" Len shouted at her, getting defensive, "And even if I was, I'm a boy going through puberty! It's normal!!!"

"That's not an excuse."

"You're acting as if she'd like you! You're so ugly..." Len scoffs.

"Bro are you serious...? We look almost the same except for the fact that you're a boy and I'm a girl. You just called yourself ugly."  Rin laughs at her brother's dumb behavior.

Len stays silent for a moment, thinking about how stupid he just sounded. "Well yeah... but I'm the better looking twin. Everyone could agree with that."

"Nobody thinks that..." Rin glares at him.

Both twins stay quiet for a minute before Rin breaks the silence.

"I have an idea actually."


"Let's both ask Miku out and see who she chooses!" Rin suggests hopefully.

"You really want to embarrass yourself that bad?! She's clearly gonna pick me!" Len scoffs.

"How do you know she's into guys?"

"How do you know she's into girls?!"

Their bickering went back and forth for a while until their dad, Kaito yelled for them.

"Rin, Len, it's time to leave! Hurry up!"

The twins scowled at each other and then got into the car with their dad to go to school. The car ride was mostly silent except for their dad playing music on the radio and singing to it.

They soon arrived at the school. Kaito parked in front of the doors and handed the twins their backpacks.

"Have a good day kids! Be good Len..." Kaito stared at Len, knowing that he had a history of getting in trouble often at school.

"I know I know..." Len rolled his eyes and got out of the car with Rin.

Kaito waved to the kids and smiled. He then turned the radio back on and drove away, singing loudly.

"God he's embarrassing..." Rin mutters while the two of them walk into the school.

"I'm gonna tell him you said that." Len teases.

"You wouldn't dare..."

They continued walking to their lockers and then they seen Miku, the girl that they have been fighting over. Except she had something different about her today. She had her makeup done and she was holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Damn it... someone gave her flowers? Did someone ask her out before I could?" Len said, clenching his fist.

"You don't have to be such a dick... you could be happy for her instead of getting mad over that." Rin smacked him lightly on the head.

They were both staring at Miku and she seemed to be looking around the hallway before her eyes landed on the twins. When she seen them she walked over to them slowly, with her face all red.

Rin and Len both smiled at her immediately and their hearts started racing.

"Hey Len..." Miku said hiding a big bouquet of flowers behind her back. They were clearly visible though, "can I talk to you privately?"

"U-uh hey Miku!" Len started internally freaking out, "those are some cool flowers!" Len hoped they were for him.

Len and Miku walked away from Rin to a corner. Rin's stomach dropped and she felt like crying. Of course she liked Len. Why would she ever like her? She always got the short end of the stick when Len was around.

Meanwhile, Len was talking to Miku, his face super red.

"So... is Rin single? I thought I'd ask you before I gave these to her. You probably know her best." Miku pulled out the bouquet from behind her back.

Len's expression dropped and he suddenly looked sad. "Uh... yeah she's single..."

"Great! I got all dressed up nice today to ask her out. Thank you for your help, Len!" Miku smiled at him and walked towards Rin. Len felt like he was gonna cry but he held it in. He thought he looked so stupid now, thinking those flowers were for him.

Rin was looking towards the ground with a sad expression when Miku tapped on her shoulder.

"Um... hi Rin... I- um got you flowers." Miku held them out to Rin. Rin's face immediately lit up.

"Thank you Miku! You're so sweet! I assumed these were for Len cause you went and talked privately." Rin felt so relieved.

"Oh well. The reason I was talking with him is because I wanted to know if you were single..." Miku blushed and looked away a little.

Len was watching them and he had a bittersweet feeling. Of course he would prefer that Miku had wanted to be with him. But he was also happy that his sister would be happy.

"Yeah I'm single!" Rin's heart raced faster.

"I really like you, Rin... I've liked you for a while now." Miku confesses.

"Really?! Like... for real?!" Rin couldn't really believe her. Miku nodded and hugged Rin, "I really like you too, Miku..."

The day went by and Miku and Rin hung out, Len being their third wheel. He was quiet most of the day but still was happy for Rin.

At the end of the day, Rin had hugged Miku to say goodbye and the twins walked outside the school to see their dad waiting to pick them up.

"Hey, I know this sounds weird for me to say and it's not like me to say something nice to you, since you know... we're always arguing." Len started, "But im happy for you."

"Thank you. I'm sorry that we've been fighting so much lately over her and I'm sorry that I'm dating her now. I couldn't just reject her. But I am feeling bad for you." Rin felt guilty but also happy that she had something that Len didn't.

"Don't feel bad. Really I'm happy for you." Len put his hand on her shoulder and Rin hugged him. "Okay we gotta go, dad is waiting for us. Let's just not talk about what just happened. It's embarrassing to let go of my tough sibling persona..."

Rin giggled and nodded at his request.

Word count: 1106

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