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As the day finally came to an end, the three boys arrived home, feeling the effects of their long journey. Three of them retreated to their rooms or collapsed onto the couch, exhausted from such a long day.

Tom, however, wasn't tired. He was playing with the new stray dog. The dog had a lot of energy, and she was basically jumping off the walls and trashing the place, tearing up the pillows and clawing at the couch. Tord watched it all. He watch the dog completely destroy the couch they've had for at least a decade.

"Take the damn dog outside if it's just going to destroy the house." Tord muttered, sitting down on the sofa-chair that he ever so loved.

"Oh, shut up you foreign." Tom snapped back, but still a huge grin on his face as Tom played with the dog.

Tord rolled his eyes at the "nickname." He slouched in his seat, watching the dog roll across the floor as Tom gave her at least over a hundred kisses and pets.

"Are you gonna name her?" Tord asked after a while of watching the two play.

Tom thought for a moment, before having yet another huge grin across his face, almost a smirk. "Rocket launcher"

Tord stared at Tom for a good 10 seconds. "Out of all things, "Rocket Launcher" is your best? God, I feel bad for that dog."

"It's better than whatever Tord is." Tom snickered, as "Rocket Launcher" laid on her back so Tom could rub her belly, which Tom gladly did so.


After a while though, both Tom and Rocket Launcher were tired and worn out and decided to relax on the torn up couch. It was quiet, other than Rocket Launchers obnoxious pants.

"Are you seriously gonna name her that?" Tord asked, attempting to kill the silence, but also genially curious if Tom was that crazy.

"Well what do you recommend?" Tom asked with attitude; still petting Rocket Launcher.

"Something that's not Rocket launcher. I don't know, something simple enough for your tiny brain to remember, like Pip or Bear."

Tom snickered, before it started to turn into soft giggles. "Pip?"

Tord paused. Something in his chest began to alter and tighten... and a very faint, warm feeling began to Invade his chests.

Whoa, okay. That was weird.

No, Tom giggling wasn't weird. It's the fact that Tord felt something other than annoyance.

He didn't know why he felt his chest tighten and tingles go through his body. Maybe it was because he hadn't heard Tom laugh in a while? That must be it. Yeah, he hasn't heard it in a while, so that means it's strange because it's new.

That has to be it.

Tord quickly regained himself, then asked, "Why? What's so funny about Pip?" He asked, coating his words with sarcasm and annoyance, to hide the fact that Toms giggle made him feel some sort of way.

Tom couldn't help but giggle again, his face softening and he brought his hands close to his face. "It just sounds weird!"

Jesus Christ— what is happening? It feels like Tord is caught under a spell, and Toms laughter is the cast.

"Shut the hell up, you sound like a hyena when you laugh.." Tord muttered. He didn't mean that, he just didn't like the feeling of blood rushing to his face.

"Oh, shut it, robot." Tom said after a few moments of laughing at the singular word "Pip."

"You definitely shouldn't name her Pip if you're going to holler like that." Tord replied.

Tom laid there for a moment, looking up at the ceiling. "I like Kelly." Tom said as he looked down at the sleeping white dog that laid on his chest.

"Kelly, hm?" Tord remarked. It actually wasn't a half ass name the more the thought about it. "Well, it's better than Rocket Launcher."

"And it's definitely better than Tord." Tom chuckled again, scratching Kelly's face as she slept soundly.

Tord couldn't help of chuckle in defeat. "Whatever you say, 'Hova."

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