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The next morning after Tom decided to sleep it off, (although it wasn't very effective) Edd was up first as usual. Tord and Matt were passed out asleep in their rooms, and usually Tom would be last to be awake. If not him, it was Matt.

But Tom had woken up earlier than expected, seeing Edd in the kitchen preparing breakfast. It was around 7 am, usually the rest would be up by maybe roughly 8:30, giving Edd enough time to make breakfast.

Edd seeing Tom drag himself into the kitchen surprised him. Edd put on his go-lucky smile and casually talked. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Eh, just woke up I guess." Tom yawned as he sat himself in the kitchen table, crossing his arms and watching Edd speed around the kitchen as if he doesn't need to look where he's going, he's got the whole thing memorized.

Tom got a glimpse of Edds face, and subtle, but noticeable— dark circles were formed under his eyes. "You look like death." Tom exaggerated.

"I could say the same about you." Edd chuckled as he maneuvered around the kitchen, cracking eggs here and there and bacon sizzling on the pan.

"Yeah, I... didn't get much sleep." Tom mumbled quietly. He hardly got any sleep, he was kept awake by the swarming thought of yesterdays event. He still couldn't believe what he had heard, if didn't seem real. "Uh— how much longer until breakfast is done?"

"Eh, 'bout an hour. It takes a long time to make food for 4 and for all of it to be shoved down your throats in less than 10 minutes."

Tom let out a soft snicker at Edds joke. He heaved himself out of his seat and said, "well I'm gonna head back into my room then until breakfast is ready."

After Edd nodded, Tom walked back to his room. He let himself flop on the bed, and let the overwhelming lack of sleep take over. Might as well take a nap, Edd will call him when breakfast is ready.


Loud thumping sounds can be heard banging on Toms door. It was so loud and sudden, it woke Tom up in a jerk. He looked around his room in panic, already assuming he was getting shot and killed, but as he realized it was just someone knocking really aggressively on his door, he groaned out loud and yelled, "what?!"

His door swung open, revealing Tord. "What are you doing still sleeping? Its noon." Tord quaked, crossing his arms as he leaned on the door frame.

Tom paused for a moment. Something so simple as just seeing Tord made his stomach twist and turn. It's like getting stabbed in your stomach and the knife was being twisted around.

Tord, obviously noticed this. He cocked and eyebrow and viewed Tom up and down, causing Tom to swallow hard.

"Do you have a fever? You look like you're burning up." Tord stated as he began to walk closer to Tom. A startled and confused expression was written on the others face with every step Tord took.

"I—im fine, just... screw off." Tom turned his head away. Fuck, was it hot in here? Turn the goddamn ac on.

Tord bent down to Toms level and grabbed his chin, making Tom eyes shift to his. Now they were face-to-face.

And holy shit.

Toms stomach did backflips.

Tom tried to say something, anything, but all that came out was the brilliant sound of nothingness. His face felt as hot as a oven, a bright red color painting it.

The hitch in Tom's breath as Tord used his hand that was once on his chin go on his forehead made Tords worry grow. Not only was Tom burning up, but he seemed incredibly skittish.

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