Its the subtle things

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It was getting dark out now, the sun setting made the shed loose it's light. There was no switch in there, so they had to bare in the dark for who knows how long.

"Sorry were in here, this is my fault really." Tord muttered hesitantly, scratching the back of his neck with his flesh-hand.

"Yeah. This is completely, utterly, 100 percently, your fault." Tom spoke, letting a soft chuckle leave his mouth; causing Tord to do the same.

"What, you can't blame me for having a little fun, right?" Tord asked teasingly as he cocked an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. Tom let out another chuckle and shook his head.

Then it was quiet. But it wasn't the awkward quietness they usually have when they were silent. No, this was different. It was like the night they got Kelly. That warm feeling.

"How come we don't have moments like these more often?" Tom asked quietly, looking at Tomee bear in his lap.

"Hm?" Tord hummed as he looked at Tom.

"You know, moments like these. Where don't really hate each other that much."

Ah, so Tom noticed it too. Tord didn't know if he should be relieved, or more scared. Tord swallowed, and then stared at the floor.

"I... I don't really know. I like it though." Tord muttered, picking at the floor of the shed.

Hearing Tord admit something like that, where he let himself be vulnerable, it made Tom feel something. Something strange inside his chest. He could feel his face get warm, a small smile forming that he tries to hide.

They then locked eyes on each other. It seemed like they were staring into each others souls, but not in a scary nor intimidating way. It was welcoming. Tom wasn't glaring those stone cold daggers he seems to always have, and Tord doesn't have that shit eating grin. The pink tint on both their faces seemed to get into a deeper red shade.

"Tom, I—" and at that moment, the two heard the lock of the door jingle from outside, and the door swinging open. There stood Matt, a clearly annoyed look on his face.

"C'mon! I had to cut off my Self Model Stage Walk for you two!" Matt ordered them to come out, and the two of them stepped out of the shed.

Now Tom was confused. What was Tord gonna say? Was it important? The thought seemed to never leave his mind as they entered the house. Edd, who seemed to be in a much better mood now came up to the two.

"So, have you two learned your lesson?" Edd asked as he crossed his arms.

"I guess." Tord mumbled, Tom nodding slowly as he put his hands behind his back. Tord stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Edd looked closer at them. They seemed to look away from each other. Tom was looking at the floor to his right, and Tord was looking at the wall to his left. Edd noticed the small pink blush in their faces.

He stared at them for a little bit longer before giving them the "ok" to go. Tom and Tord scurried to their rooms, closing the door behind them.

Edd sighed as he went onto the dinner table, the white dog Kelly waging her tail as she followed Edd. Edd began to scratch her head and smiled. Even though he wouldn't like to admit it, he's grown found to Kelly. But now he has to worry of Tom and Tord arguing again.

Matt came out of the kitchen and noticed Edd sitting in the dining room, a puzzled look on his face.

Matt simply sat down next to Edd, opening a jar of Nutella. "So, what's on your mind?" Kelly saw the jar and immediately started to jump up and down, whining for the chocolate. Matt didn't give her any. Not because he knew it was bad for her, but he wanted the chocolate to himself.

For a moment Edd didn't say anything, then he said, "Did you see their faces?"

"Yeah, they looked pretty awkward. Do you think something happened in the shed?" Matt asked, but he wasn't really into the conversation and much more interested into the runny chocolate.

"No, well— yeah, but it wasn't just that. They looked red. Like their faces were bright red." Edd mumbled, sighing as he ran his hand through his hair. He was considering all sorts of possibilities that could have happened.

"Maybe they like— made out." Matt suggested as he took a scoop of the chocolate. Edd couldn't tell if Matt was serious or joking.

"C'mon, they hate each other." Or do they?

"There just friends, Matt." Are they?

... Are they?

Tom flopped himself on his bed, laying flat on his stomach as he hugged his pillow.

Tord slouched himself on his chair, resting his arms on the desk and he used his hands to hold his face. He sighed deeply, then the picture frame of Matt, Edd, himself, and Tom caught his eye.

Tom let out a frustrated sigh as he adjusted himself on his back, staring at the ceiling. He reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out Tomee Bear. He hid it in his pocket when Matt came into the shed, hopefully Matt didn't see it, or notice Tom trying to hide something as valuable as Tomee bear.

Tord grabbed the picture frame from the corner of his desk, and he stared at Tom. Just a picture was enough to make his heart flutter. He smiled, a red peachy color painting his face.

Tom rubbed his thumb across Tomee Bears head, running his thumb across the line that was supposedly his "eye." He could feel a strange heat swarm his face like bees in spring.

They both sighed in their rooms. Tom letting Tomee Bear rest somewhere on his bed, and Tord setting the picture frame back down. They used their hands to cover their reddening faces.


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