Stay calm

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Oh no,

Oh no no no.

Okay, Tord just has to remain calm. Remain calm.

"Psh, what? Do you think I like men? Especially Tom of all people?" Tord responded as if Edds question was a joke.

Edd could feel some sort of tension leave his body. And now he felt stupid, he couldn't help but chuckle along side with Tord. "Yeah, yeah I don't know what I was thinking." Edd laughed quietly, setting down the pencil that was once in his hand.

Stay calm. "Did you really think I like Tom because, what, we don't argue that much?" Tord forced a convicted snicker, bringing his hand up to his mouth to really sell it.

"I—I really did I guess." Edd chuckled lightly, propping his elbows on his legs as he held his face in his hands.

"Well, is that it? If so, I'm gonna head out now." Tord sighed after some moments of "laughing." Edd looked up at Tord with a smile.

"Yeah, that's all." Edd consented as he threw his hand in the air. He took a deep breath, he didn't know why he even thought that now that it sounds so stupid.

"Alright, well I'll see you later. Don't get lost in your own imaginations, okay?" Tord stated as he opened the door, the two of them saying their goodbyes as Tord headed out and closed the door behind him.

As soon as Tord closed the door, he let out a shaky breath. He brought one hand up to his mouth as he stared at the ground.

Fuck. This was bad. This was really bad.

Edd could have found out. Edd already found out! Tord just had the courtesy to play dumb. He could feel a feeling of dread was over him. He couldn't let anyone find out.

He just had to stay calm. Stay. Calm.

Tord pulled himself together and let out another quiet sigh. He headed out of the hallway and into the living room. Tom was nowhere to be seen. Maybe that was a good thing, Tord probably wouldn't be able to handle seeing Tom after that.

He huffed as he sat down in his chair, stroking his hand through his hair. He rubbed his temples, he didn't know how Edd could have figured it out already. Was he too obvious? Fuck; if Edd knew does that mean Tom knows? No. No, that can't happen. That couldn't have happened. Right?

Tord was getting lost in his own thoughts. His leg started to bounce on controllably. What if everyone knows? Maybe Matt knows. What was he gonna do? What can he do? Would they kick him out? Would they disown him as a friend? Would they—

"Hey, answer me." Tord heard and felt something poke his shoulder. He looked to his left and saw Tom standing next to him.

"H—huh?" Tord stammered. He was so lost in his thoughts he couldn't even hear Tom.

"I called your name like; three times," Tom mumbled as he pulled his hand away that he poked Tord with. "...are you okay?" Tom asked, his annoyed expression slowly turning into a worried one.

Shit, okay, stay calm. "Yeah, yeah sorry I got a little... uh, lost in thought." Tord chuckled dryly. He looked at Tom and smiled. Toms company calmed him down by a lot.

Tords smile caught Tom off guard, causing him to get flushed. "Whatever, just don't do that again, you had me worried."

"Awh, you were worried about me?" Tord teased and smirked, but it was genuine. Behind that cocky attitude was a little girl jumping up and down and screaming.

"Shut it, commie." Tom huffed and his face got more red. He sat back down on the couch, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Awwh, you're blushing." Tord snickered, but seeing Tom's face get so red made his stomach feel like it was doing backflips on end. His smirk tried to form into a smile, but Tord wouldn't allow that.

"Jesus fuck— shut up!" Tom mumbled angrily as he threw his hood over his head, trying to hide his face that seemed to be getting only more red. "You're so annoying..."

Tord snickered as he laid back and slouched in his chair. He couldn't help but blush himself, Tom really made him happy. He didn't know how to feel about that, but for now; he's gonna enjoy his rivals company.

Should he even be calling Tom a rival at this point? Well, they weren't exactly friends. Maybe, pals? Eh, Tord could stick with pals. But he didn't know how Tom felt on his end. Maybe he thinks that they're rivals and that Tord is just fucking with him to make him mad.

Although Tord did enjoy pissing Tom off, he enjoys it much more when their quiet together, and just living life without arguing.

Sorry this chapter was short 🙏

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