Oh no.

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Tom was in his room, minding his own business. He was sitting down on his bed, legs dangling off the edge while pulling some strings on his beloved guitar; Susan.

But he wasn't really playing, no, he was thinking. He was thinking about Tord: his attitude, his change in behavior, his body language, etc.

Tom can sometimes catch a glimpse of Tord staring at him. He doesn't know if Tord just zones out a lot and somehow Tom was where his eyes rested— because Tom tend to to that a lot too. But it's not just staring, Tords acting different too.

He's been touchy. Not in a weird way— but in a way that makes Tom notice it. Sometimes, Tord would randomly put his hand on his shoulder, which is something he hasn't done since he's moved back in. Usually, that wouldn't be weird, but it happens rather frequently at random times.

And he starts to randomly smile too. Whenever Tom is talking, Tord would just be staring at Tom, not even Edd or Matt when their talking.


Edd barged into Tords room unannounced. Tord jumped in shock, jolting his head to the door where Edd stood.

"Jeez, don't you fucking knock?" The Norwegian grumbled, putting down his "magazine."

"Yeah, whatever— We Have to watch the new spider-man movie!" Edd demanded, his hands flapping and flaring around as he had this weird sparkle in his eye.

Tord groaned and flopped himself on his bed. "Ugh, I don't wanna go..."

"C'mon! We're all gonna go!" Edd protested, going towards Tord and shaking him like a kid demanding his mom for candy in a store.

"Fine fine— just get the hell off me you cola addict." Tord grumbled. As edd pulled himself away Tord stood off his bed, grabbing his only red hoodie that had a rip on its sleeve, where his mechanical arm is.

Matt and Tom were already outside, it looks like they were actually having a good conversation. Tom didn't look angry. Infact, he was smiling.

Usually, Tord would have had his heart skip a beat whenever Tom smiled, but he couldn't help but frown. Tom was laughing with Matt.

Edd slapped Tords back and pulled him to the car, where Matt and Tom crawled in the backseat, Edd and Tord in the front.

Tord couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that he wasn't sitting with Tom, and Tom was sitting with Matt. He couldn't help either but feel this sort of resentment towards Matt, how easy it was to make Tom laugh.

Wait, why would Tord even be disappointed that he wasn't sitting with Tom? He should be relieved.

But Tords thoughts were interrupted once they reached the theater. Edd was practically jumping up and down like a toddler.

"Relax, it's just a movie." Tom chuckled as he slapped the back of Edds head. Edd shoved Tom with his elbow, the two laughing together.

There it is. That resentment again. What the Hell is wrong with Tord? He snapped out of it, and followed up with the rest of the group.

Opon opening the doors to enter, Edd was absolutely stargazed how much neon lights there were. Matt was already off to get food, trying to stuff his face as much as possible when they watched the movie.

But all Tord noticed was the stares. Tord didn't like going out in public anymore, he hated being stared at when he was just trying to enjoy a day out.

Edd noticed this. He walked over to Tord casually, wrapping his arm around him while laughing. Edd whispered in Tords ear, "just ignore them."

Tord smiled. The resentment he felt just moments ago vanished— how could he resent someone like edd over something so stupid?

Tord chuckled and wrapped his mechanical arm around Edd. The 4 of them were no walking to the movie section, and got to their seats.

Luckily, they were one of the first people there, so they started to shove each other to sit in the right seat, arguing where they should be seated.

Ah shit. Tord got stuck with sitting next to Tom. Great. Just grand. Not even 10 minutes into the movie, Tord starts bouncing his leg and biting his finger nails. He feels anxious. He can't even handle sitting next to Tom.

Tom turned his gaze to Tord, seeing him fidget with his hands and bounce his leg. Tom used his finger to tapped Tord on his shoulder, making Tord jump in surprise.

"Are you okay?" Tom whispered. He looked like he had a genuine concern for Tord, even in this dark ass room. Fuck. Tord could feel his heart beat Increase, feeling blood rush to his cheeks.

Tord quickly nodded, smiling nervously and looking back to the tv screen. He had to force himself to not bounce his leg or fidget.

Tom wanted to feel reassured after Tord nodded, but somehow he didn't. He had a feeling Tord was just lying. But Tom didn't want to push it, he didn't want Tord to make a smart ass comment again saying "you care about me or something?"

So, for the next almost hour and a half, they all watched the movie in silence. It was kind of awkward.


Finally, it was over. It felt like Tord was in a gas chamber for who knows how long and he just got released into fresh air— that's how tense it was.

Edd was still bouncing up and down, talking about his favorite scenes. Which was nearly every scene. Matt joined in on this too, giggling and laughing with Edd.

Tom couldn't help but chuckle at their stupidity. Ah, there if was. That mere laugh that made Tord feel like he was under a spell. He could listen to Toms laugh for hours.

What? No he couldn't. He'd bet he'd get annoyed after not even a minute. It was just a stupid laugh, there was nothing important about that.

On the car ride it was worse. All of them were laughing sure and talking, but Tord was just focused on Tom. Toms voice echoed in his ears like a tune. Tord could feel blood rush to his cheeks again, but he tried to hide it; blamed it on the weather.

They finally reached home after that insanely long car drive. Tord didn't hesitate to go into his room, telling the others it was late and he was tired.

He sat down by his desk, propping his arms and resting his face in both of his palms. His face felt like it was gonna melt off because how hot and red it was. His heart seemed to flutter with the mere thought of Tom.

Tord can't deny it anymore. Oh no,

He liked Tom.

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