Hey Guysss

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Hi guys :) so, I'm not going to be continuing this book anymore. I've lost pretty much every last drop of motivation I had for it. This book was originally made for shits and giggles and something to write when im bored, I didn't expect this book to get over 7k reads thats actually INSANE. 

I have no plot, no story, I was not prepared at ALL when I began writing, so the first parts of the chapter were completely unplanned. I have no clue where I'm going with this, and I don't see the point in writing when I have absolutely zero ideas.

But I'm sorry for all of you readers who liked this little book thing, unfortunately I'm going to drop it.



Actually, I did mean it, I wrote this little "farewell readers" chapter around a month ago thinking I'd ACTUALLY drop this story , but now I DO have a little story for it :)



Tom stormed out of the bathroom, not caring if Edd decided to follow after him or not. He was tired of it, this whole bullshit. not solely the interrogation Edd had the nerve to initiate, but overall all of it. The confusing feelings— the very confusing feelings, the knowledge that even Tord might reciprocate said confusing feelings; all of it.

...And seeing Tord was like a kick to his gut. So much so, he nearly stopped in his tracks at the mere sight. He saw him, and he wasn't even doing anything significant. He was just... staring off into a distance somewhere, it looked like he was zoned out. That idiot.

That fucking idiot.

Why did that stupid, dumb, annoying communist have to come back?

Why did he have to come back and make his heart race faster than he could think?

Everything would be so much easier if he stayed wherever the hell he was for the last 3 years since he destroyed their house.

But alas, Tom was thrown out of his trance-like stare upon feeling a hand grab his shoulder. It was Edd.

Clearly, the green-hoodied Brit seemed visually guilty of what happened in the bathroom. Despite the anger Tom felt then, it seemed to all vanish once he made eye contact with him.

Not out of relief, or guilt himself— but in that moment he realized one very important thing.

Edd was one of his best friends, if not: his best friend. He shouldn't have blown up at him like that earlier, although he felt like he had every right to.

Besides, it's just a crush. Crushes go away.

Tom simply looked at him, not saying anything. Not even an "I'm sorry," but with their shared eye contact, both of them said it... just not verbally.

The two of them eventually made their way back to the table where Matt and Tord sat, Tord moving himself out of the booth so Tom was able to sit on the inside.


It was quiet.

The only sound that could be heard was the chatter going on inside the restaurant; which was annoyingly loud.

But... of course Tord had to break that silence with a comment that leaves everyone else in torment.

"You two were gone for a while... what'd you do? Jerk off each other?"

Okay, that was super uncalled for. And entirely unnecessary.

The green one choked on his own air, shooting a rather horrified look at the other. "No! Dude... what is wrong with you?"

Tom had to chip in as well, giving the red FUCK an even nastier look. "Seriously, could you be any more disgusting?" No, seriously. How does Tom even like him?

That'll be a question not even the Gods will be able to answer.

"Oh, re—lax, I'm only fooling around." Tord jokingly nudged Tom with his elbow, in turn made the other nudge him back, far more harsh.

"Okay you two... quit flirting on the dinner table." Edd chimed in while rolling his eyes, which caused Matt to snicker.

The men on the other end of the table quickly quit "flirting" and kept both their arms closer to themselves awkwardly.

Despite the crushes that were now obvious to everyone, (minus Tord being unaware of Tom's feelings) it was strangely ordinary for these two to roughhouse and constantly make comments to each other. It was so regular, it was almost routine.

...but despite the regular, the feelings caused an intense blockage for the two to talk and not feeling something strange in their stomachs only after they've finished speaking to each other.

Why is romance so fucking confusing?

Finally, after an ungodly amount of time, their food finally arrived. Their waitress, like everyone else in the whole world who had vision, kept her eyes mostly on Tord and Tom.

I mean— c'mon, those two look like their characters in a movie.

A freak with no eyes who's so obsessed with the color blue he'd might cry if he had to wear anything else, and a deformed-faced man with a mechanical red arm with the same obsession with the color red.

She gave them their foods, Edd got the hamburger Matt got the steak yaddy-yaddy-yeah I'm not writing all that.

For the most part, they talked and chatted about the most unserious things they'll most likely forget the next morning, but swear it's the most important thing ever in that moment when speaking.

Tom wasn't all that talkative, nor did he eat like a starved gorilla. He was too fixated about the occurrence in the bathroom.

Now that Edd knows... what's gonna happen? Will he tell Tord? Matt? Both of them?

Does Edd view him any differently? He hoped not. All his life Tom never showed interest in men, but now suddenly he does.

For his roommate. His roommate that he's despised since he's ever laid his non-existent eyes on him. Why did it have to happen now? Why did it have to happen at all? And the question that always seems to repeat in Tom's mind...

Does Tord actually like him back?

And if he did, would Tom be happy, or would he only hate it even more?

Knowing himself... it's most likely the second option. He's rarely dealt with romance, and Tord definitely is in the same boat as well on that statement.

Hopefully, these feelings go away.


AAHHHHHHH not lying I spent at least a good hour figuring out what to write in this chapter.

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