0.1 fucking flammable

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wanting to be someone else is a
waste for being the person you are

❝wanting to be someone else is awaste for being the person you are❞

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It was beautiful,

with intricate swirls and curves etched all along the sides. Its windows were a deep red, matching the color of the rails that it ran on. Josephine was mesmerized by its beauty and elegance.

Her parents had previously mad it clear that they wouldn't be accompanying her to the platform. Jo, having just being told that she's apparently a witch, completely understood their decision. As both of her parents were muggles the whole wizarding world still seemed incredibly foreign to them. She didn't really mind, as her relationship with her parents was quite... odd.

Her stuff had been placed on the train by an older student (or so she assumed anyway), so she boarded the train immediately , seeing no use in standing around any longer. She turned left and entered the first compartment she saw. Lucky for Jo, it was empty. Thats understandable, seeing as there we loads of children still with their parents outside. She reached to her handbag and grabbed her trusty book.

A whistle was heard, and Jo looked out of the window to see the children panicking and rushing on the train. The train spluttered to life, and as it picked up speed, it left Kings Cross.

The compartment door slid open. Not completely, but Jo could still make out the figure of a boy.

"Yo Dean! D'ya mind if we share a compartment wi' some girl?".

A second boy appeared. "Idiot, i reckon she can hear ya!".

They both turned around, and the second boy slid the compartment-door fully open.

"Ya mind we sit here? Everywhere else is full."

Josephine smiled. "Nahh, don't mind at all."

"sweet!" the first boy exclaimed, before making himself comfortable on the seat in front of her. The dark skinned boy plopped down next to him.

"I'm Seamus. 'n' this is dean. Yer a first-year aye? I don' reckon i've seen ye before."

Jo nodded. "Yeah, i am. I'm Josephine, but feel free to call me Jo.".

Seamus grinned. "Alright Jo. So, which house do ya think your going tae git? We're in Gryffindor, but any house is braw.. except Slytherin."

Jo blank-stared them. "Are you a muggleborn by any chance?" Dean asked (she thinks his name is dean.).

"Yeah! Me parents are muggles." she mumbled.

"For real? Imma muggleborn too. At least i think so. I never knew my dad." Dean replied. Jo smiled at this, (damn, she's not the first one, what a relief.)

"Seeing as yer a muggleborn, we'll tak' it upon ourself to educate you aboot th' wizarding world. Let's start at hogwarts." Seamus spoke.

"There are 4 houses which you kin git sorted into, we'll explain efter how..."

Ludic ― Dean ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now